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The beautiful feeling of being protected. Comfortable...ingulfed in warmth. She could stay like that forever. Slowly (Y/N)'s eyes opened. It was still early in the morning. Normally, she was greeted with the delightful sounds of birds, but now there was only a deadly silence, which quickly pulled her back to her current, awful situation. The faint gleam of the moon was still shining through the window. Everything seemed calm and relaxed. No signs of any harm or troubles.

Moving slightly, she snuggled deeper into her comfy pillow and just wanted to escape into another deep slumber. Just keeping this nightmare far away.

And then she stopped.

It took her some time to realize what she had done. What she did all night long and still was doing carelessly.
Compared to the bag, which Dark gave her the night before, was this "pillow" right now huge. In an instant her body froze. It hit her like a ton of bricks.
Her head was resting onto his toned chest, while she was hugging this arrogant, rude demon dearly.

Was she really sleeping with him like that the whole night? Sure....and alone the thought of this close moment, made her red as a tomato. Most of all...did he notice?

"God how embarrassing....", she thought stressed, but couldn't just get up. Staying focused on not moving, she noticed how pleasant he smelled. A faint scent of nature, which let her escape a delightful sigh. What was this man doing to her? It felt like she was getting sick. Sweating, goosebumps, shaken, but on the other side it felt exciting. But it was so wrong. Absolutly insane to feel attracted to this man. He was a known killer. A merciless monster, who not only once destroyed villages at Hyrule. How could someone so cruel, be so attractive?

(Y/N) realized that he didn't move, since she was awake. Relieved, she thought he was still asleep and able to quickly get out of this situation unnoticed. Hopefully.

To think what he was about to say, after noticing her clinging onto him like that, would be too much. Too early in the morning. But this time the luck was on her side. She just had to lay down beside him like nothing happened.

"That i always have to get in such embarassing situations...", She thought annoyed about herself and slowly moved her head to look up to his face.
He sure was asleep. He had to be.
No moving, a steady breathing. Slowly she pushed herself up with one hand, while the other still rested on his chest. She could feel his muscular body through the soft, black fabric. The image of him, standing shirtless before her, made her quickly bite her lip to control her emotions. Arrogant and handsome. A dangerous combination.

Her look wandered from his chest, up to his face. She was wrong. Totally wrong.

Dark was wide awake.
Calmly his look was directed to the ceiling. Completely relaxed, he didn't show any sign or hint of anger or annoyance.

"You had a nightmare...", he spoke, while slowly locking eyes with her surprised ones.

"A...a nightmare? I didn't notice...", she asked uneasy, while stopping her moving. That he didn't mention their position made her quite nervous.

"It seemed pretty bad...", he spoke seriously and slowly got into a sitting position. Stretching his arms with a slight groan, (Y/N) could only imagine how uncomfortable his sleep must had been of her tight hug.

"You were clinging onto me for dear life. Never would have thought that you got such a strong grip. Quite impressive.", he added with a smirk, after watching her flustered gaze. There it was...he couldn't just let things pass silently.

"Why didn't you just wake me? Then you could have slept in peace.", she shot back with a pout. Silently, Dark watched her for a moment before getting up. It seemed that he was deep in thought about something.

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