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Exhausted he brushed the sweat off of his forehead with a heavy sigh. Closing his eyes for a moment, he wished to have a short rest, but by the intriguing sounds closby, he knew all too well that this desire would stay unfilled. The screaming and howling around him, vibrated in his ears, soon would cause a headache. The cries of agony of once proud soldiers let his fists ball in anger. But mostly in pain to not be able to protect them all.
Chaos. Complete chaos. How things could easily get out of hand made him feel helpless.


"I failed miserably..", he whispered, while feeling an unbearable heavy weight onto his shoulders.
Even if he wasn't able to know what was going on, while heading out for his mission, he definately would have been able to order a proper defence before his leaving. Alone the fact that closby temples got cursed, was reason enough to be on high alert. He relayed too much on others. Trusted in the captain's abilities and gave them power to decide on their own.

"I just wanted to make them feel equal. Proud of being soldiers.. Terrible mistake.. As the hero i am aware of Ganondorf's cruelty..they not.", Link whispered strained, while his look wandered along the massive destruction of castle town.

"And now they got pushed into it with full force without any chance...", his words lingered in the air, but quickly faded of hectic discussions closby. Following the sounds, Link fought his way through the monsters to reach a group of soldiers.

"What's this commotion about?", Link called out, while pushing Stalfos easily out of his way. Relieved to see the hero by their side, they quickly tried to support him as good as possible.

"We got the news that commanders of the dark realm attended the battlefield, alongside giant monsters...", the captain explained strained and let Link stop his actions abruptly.

"We have to protect the princess at all costs. Don't let them inside! Whatever monster is coming this way. We will stay!", he shouted and pulled Link back from his trance. Biting his lip in frustration he quickly regained his composure to fight, while his mind was racing of the upcoming events.

They were already in serious trouble.

And not only the hero felt the dangerous atmosphere, which lingered heavy in the air. Smirking of the growling around them, Dark's look wandered along the group of monsters, which slowly and carefully approached their side.

"Seems it's getting uncomfortable now..", Dark started amused and locked eyes with (Y/N)'s frightened ones. Holding onto Dark's tunic, she shivered of the intimitating moment. Before she was able to say something, Dark quickly got his sword to pierce a monster behind him.

Emotionless Dark watched the Moblin screaming in agony, until it fell to the ground dead. The cold aura, which erupted from his form let closby enemies quickly step back in fear.
"They are getting impatient to kill the traitor.", Dark whispered playfully next to her ear, but the feeling of the trembling ground let him stop abruptly.
Watching out for the intriguing screams at the distance, it nearly took her breath away of this fearful scene.

"The battle will be settled soon...i have to admit, i didn't expect that amount of monsters.", Dark spoke seriously, while watching the massive Dodongos stomping through hyrule field with ease.
Biting her lip in frustration, (Y/N) knew all too well what his words meant. The sight alone was proof enough that nothing would be the same anymore. Hyrule would be gone. Watching her shocked and helpless state, Dark slowly reached out to brush across her cheek in a soft manner. He wanted to protect her. Ease the pain in her heart.

"Leave with me.."

His powerful words echoed in her mind.

Holding onto her dress to control her shaken hands, (Y/N) felt her heart about to explode. But the circumstances gave this overwhelming moment a bitter aftertaste.
Desperately, (Y/N) thought about what to say. His words should make her feel overjoyed. Excited. How often did she dream about Dark coming for her. Safe her broken soul and never let go ever again. But in reality she felt pain. An awful pain of a broken heart. It wasn't possible. She couldn't leave.

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