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Strolling along this mysterious place, while focused on his surroundings, he tried desperately to find an exit. It didn't help that these endless corridors looked exactly the same. Cold and intimitating. Blue walls made out of stone. Wet and smelling of mold. But beside, feeling kind of claustrophobic in such an uncomfortable place, it was really a struggle to find hints to get out. He knew in an instant that his current location wasn't an safe one. Sure he would soon find himself in some serious trouble. Something, he was already familiar with, like travelling on his own. Faint sounds of growling echoed through the area and let him move forward quickly.
It was surprising how many evil creatures were lurking around at every corner, while outside everything seemed fine.

"That Lake Hylia is hiding such a mysterious place...", he whispered, while passing an intimidating dark abyss to reach another passage and hopefully an exit soon.
Finally a different sight, even if it was kind of intriguing.

Was he really making a progress to get through this maze, or was he already terribly lost and captured?

Sighing deeply, he observed his surroundings again to go on. Staying at the same spot wouldn't make things better anyway, so why don't try? And he was successful. Entering another room, but this time it was an extraordinary one.
Eyes widened, he stopped abruptly of the new sight before him. This was definately something uncommon. Slowly getting used to the sudden brightness, he kept moving forward. Compared to the dark corridors back then,which he had to pass for hours, this room seemed more comfortable. Still it gave him a shiver of uneasiness. And after noticing an dark aura, an powerful aura to be exact, the feeling got quite worse. Something was off and there had to be a reason why this room looked completely out of place.

Fascinated his gaze wandered across the never ending sea. Was this even possible? Observing the room further, he noticed the few scattered ruins, an small island with a wittered tree and..

"You....", a sudden growl echoed through the room and let him froze in the spot. Quickly following the dark voice, his look stopped at a dark figure, which was leaning against the old tree.

"I've just entered and he already noticed me from this distance?..Impressive..", he thought surprised and the next moment his eyes widened.

"Wait...He..he..noticed me...!?", he whispered shocked and was about to move forward, but was interrupted by a sudden gash of wind, which blew merciless from all directions. Quickly he kept his distance to escape this dangerous moment. "What's going on here?", he thought stressed, while watching the scene terrifyed.

Dark on the other side let out a heavy sigh, while narrowing his eyes. In an instant he knew, who stepped into his territory. His blood was already boiling of anger or maybe it was frustration? Seriously his look wandered across his prison with no one in sight.

"I recommend that you show yourself already...making such a scene and then keep yourself hidden...pathetic..", he growled out in anger, while taking his sword to place it onto his lap. Slowly his fingers glided across the neatly cleaned blade, longing to be used soon.

"Always so impatient..or are you missing me so much, my dear Dark?...", a soft voice called out and the next moment smoke errupted from the ground. Gracefully Cia, the dark sorceress of the dark realm, stepped out of the magical dust with a devilish smirk on her face. Swaying her hips with every step she made, she didn't even try to hide her body. Not with a uniform, which barely hid the most important parts of her form.

"Cut the crap witch...why are you here?", Dark spoke in a low tone, while glaring at her. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with her now. Honestly, to deal with this exhausting woman at all.

"Why so unpolite? We are commanders after all. Why don't you call me Cia. I always offered you to use my name...We didn't see each other for such a long time..", she spoke seductively, while taking off her mask to show her longing gaze torwards the commander of the dark. But her try to provoke him failed and was met with an ice cold expression.

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