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Darkness. Something, (Y/N) started to get used to see. Again she was traveling into the unknown on an uncomfortable ride. But this time, she wasn't alone. Ingulfed into his cape and clinging onto Dark Link for dear life, she prayed that he would keep his words in bringing her home.
God she was afraid. Her body was shaking, while she had to embrace his hips from the front. A very close position, which let her blush madly. She knew that he didn't have any perverted intentions to have her close. The way he was acting torwards her was more an angry, annoyed behavior. Why he was helping her was still a miracle. Nevertheless she had to be unnoticed by others or her life would sure end in some kind of prison. So she had to deal with this current situation.

The moment he got onto his horse and reached out for her to take her hand, seemed like a scene in a romance novel, which she always loved to read. Sadly the moment felt more awkard and uneasy. After all, she was taking the hand of a known merciless killer than prince charming. With ease, he lifted her up and placed her in front of him. Close. Face to face her eyes locked with his serious ones.

"Don't get it wrong. You have to hold onto me to not fall down.", he spoke surprisingly calm. Was he thinking the same? Do demons even think about such things? Nervously she nodded and embraced his chest with slightly reddened cheeks. In a way it felt strange. He was dangerous. Could kill her in an instant, nevertheless this moment made her feel shy.

"With your bad luck and troublesome nature, i am sure, if you would hold onto my horse's neck instead, you would fall off immediately."

"There it was...Blunt and arrogant... Definately no prince charming.", she thought annoyed, while hugging him tightly. Preparing everything, while acting completely relaxed and without any hint of embarrassment they were in, (Y/N) was sure that he wasn't able to feel such emotions. Or was she thinking like that, because she felt insulted by his cold and arrogant attitude?

Slowly he pulled her a bit closer and placed his cape around himself and her body. With its size, she was completely hidden under its fabric.

"Yeah, i think this is okay.", his words were the last thing she was able to hear. After that, she gasped of shock of feeling an immense power and moving under her. Closing her eyes, she thought about her home. About her life, which she sure would treasure more, after getting back.
This was insane. And where was this ending now?

There was still this bitter aftertaste of maybe facing prison now. She normally wasn't that kind of person, who would go with a stranger she just had met. On top a man. To step across her personally rules and just deal with it, made her a nervous mess. Biting her lip, she shook her head to push her fears aside. Whatever would come. It was better to try first to survive, than just dying.
He was right. Dark Link was the only one she could rely on now. Good or not. She had to follow.

The moving got slower, till they stopped abruptly. She tried to move, but felt his arm on her head and pushing her down slightly. Was he seriously leaning onto her? God this man got nerves. Resting his heavy weight onto her fragile body. He sure was a rude one.
A small light got her attention. Watching the small gap, she was able to see a glimpse of the outside, but regretted it immediately. Now she knew what he was doing. He was making sure to hide her in a better way by pushing her down.

Dark could sense her fear getting stronger. He knew in an instant that she was able to see what was going on. For him it wasn't surprising that she was scared.
(Y/N) had never seen a Stalfos before. It took her breath away. Their height and terrifying glowing eyes and not to mention their bloody weapons let her shake of fear. But what scared her the most, was their nervous behavior torwards Dark. She knew already of his high rank, but to see their fear just by his presence was making her nervous too. Was she really safe right now? Who was the real monster under them?

"I am visiting one of the outposts."

His deep dangerous tone let her froze in the spot. Nervously (Y/N) shut her eyes of the heated moment.

"I don't want to get disturbed so keep your informations, till i get them.", he added and narrowed his eyes of their irritated expression.

"Master Dark! Can you smell that? I am sure...yeah the smell of the light!", one spoke surprised and looked around to find the source. (Y/N)'s eyes widened, while Dark was beyond pissed. His blood boiled even more, after one of the Stalfos started to sniff by his horse.

"Go on like that and your head is mine...", Dark spoke dangerously and let the Monster jump back quickly.

"Master Dark, forgive me, i got carried away.. I just followed the smell. It comes from you...", the Stalfos spoke scared.

"That i have to explain myself to low insects like you, is reason enough to cut through your bones....", Dark spoke pissed.

"I got rid of some intruders on my way here. Unnecessary travelers, who were able to pass the border..sure you can still smell their blood on me.", he spoke and every word, which left his mouth, sounded more and more like a growl. Leaning down, Dark grabbed the Stalfos by his neck and lifted him up to pull him closer.

"The next time you go on my nerves like that, i will end your ridiculous existence.", he spoke and let the Stalfos fall to the ground. Still on its knees, it bowed scared and pleaded for forgiveness. Clicking his tongue, Dark started to leave. (Y/N) could see how the other Stalfos helped his comrade to get up. She could see how relieved it was to get out of that situation. "I never would have thought that they could be afraid too...", she thought surprised. Suddenly an arrow cut through the Stalfos head and let it vanish in smoke, while screaming in agony.

"I changed my mind...One of you is enough to guard this area."

(Y/N) couldn't believe how cruel someone could be. And she couldn't believe that she felt kind of sad for this monster, which sure would have killed her in an instant. She didn't know him for long, but could totally agree with the gossip about him. Merciless. Cold and Sadistic. She had to watch her tongue and be on guard of his actions. But still she had to obey. Sighing deeply, (Y/N) felt exhausted of this complicated situation.

Their ride went on. Rough and uncomfortable like before. Her back was killing her and slowly (Y/N) tried to move her body up. To her surprise Dark let it happen and relieved, she pressed her cheek against his chest. The rythm of his heartbeat was calming her nerves. To believe that a demon like him, had a beating heart like everyone else, while killing without regret, felt strange.
(Y/N) wasn't able to see, but dark clouds started to cover the sky. Slowly heavy raindrops splashed against his cape and let her shiver of the sudden cold sensation. Automatically and without thinking anything wrong, Dark pulled her form closer for protection. Eyes widened (Y/N) felt her body stiffen of his arm on her back. Does he know what he was doing? Making such an caring gesture. It sure was really complicated to understand this man.

The rain got stronger and surprisingly, with it, her worry for him. Luckily the moving stopped, but before she was able to comprehend the situation any further, she was suddenly lifted up bridal style. Still covered by the cape, Dark quickly stepped into the small house and placed her onto the ground. Getting down on one knee, he pulled his cape off of her head and was met with her embarrassed gaze.
It was capturing how her eyes sparkled at this moment.

He felt relieved that they had made it and she was safe. He still was unsure of this feeling inside of him, while he was watching over her. It was confusing. Irritating, but at the same time interesting. In his dull and hard life, it felt really exciting and refreshing. Beside that he loved to push the limits and go too far. This feeling to go against the rules always gave him goosebumps.

He would help her.

Cross the line and maybe face punishment afterwards.

If he would find out.

Biting his lip bitterly, he got up to step before the window. Sure Ganondorf would find out. But in such a cruel and cold world, it was precious to feel something other than hatred.

Even if it was pain.

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