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"I won't accept that....never", his frustrated voice echoed through the house, followed by heartbreaking sobs of his devasted wife. They were looking for days. Every inch around Lake Hylia, even further away, but nowhere was their beloved daughter to find.
With pitful gazes the soldiers of Hyrule army watched the scene helplessly. They couldn't but just tell them the awful truth.

"Even if we keep looking for (Y/N)...the chances are low to find her alive. It was rather cold the past few days, combined with the dangerous monsters out there....we are sorry..", the captain explained and watched (Y/N)'s mother, who was crying out frustrated.

"Please...you can't stop. What about Link? He is the hero of our land. I am sure he knows what to do.", her father pleaded, but only got uneasy looks. He already knew the answer. Even if he was able to get in contact with the hero of time, he couldn't make miracles happen. Their daughter was dragged away by a merciless storm. What would he be able to do?

"The hero is on a mission right now..but we've send him a message about this..", the captain spoke strained and avoid the man's depressed look. (Y/N)'s father didn't need to hear more. They didn't need to explain further, because their expression showed enough. The hero had more important things to do, than looking for one young woman with bad luck. They didn't want to disturb the hero's work. Plus, they were already searching all over the place. It was useless.

She was gone.

He understood what they tried to tell him, but at the same time it broke his heart. He couldn't stop looking. He couldn't accept her loss at that moment.

"We will inform the outposts around Lake Hylia that we search for two more days. Then we have to declare her dead...", the captain spoke and left with the other soldiers.

"Why?...why our sweet daughter? This can't be real.", her mother spoke exhausted, while (Y/N)'s father got everything he needed to start searching again.

On the other side, far far away of all this despair, tears and frustration, (Y/N) had to face another challenge. Sitting before the bottle with this green, mysterious liquid inside, she already felt her body shiver in disgust.

"I...i have to drink this..."

"Yes till the last drop."

"And you don't know what will happen afterwards..."

"Not exactly."

Watching the demon with mixed feelings, (Y/N) took the bottle to guide it to her nose. Wrinkling it in disgust she coughed slightly, while thinking about how to drink this without throwing up.

"It definately will taste awful. That's for sure.", Dark spoke playfully, while watching her annoyed expression amused. Getting down to her level, he took the small bottle to have a close look as well.

"But what is one big gulp of this, compared to getting home again?", he spoke seriously and placed it back into her hands. (Y/N) fell silent of Dark's words and had to think about her family.

Whatever it will cause.

Maybe nothing, maybe terrible pain. It was the only way to get closer to where she belonged. 

"Hopefully it works...", she whispered and quickly gulped it down, hoping to taste as less as possible. Dark was impressed of her willpower. That she really just drank it so suddenly, let him raise his brows in surprise.
Honestly, he was unsure of what would happen. To deal with magic was always quite a game of luck. The witch mostly worked with dark magic, which was one reason, why her shop was more popular at the dark realm. Who knows what her product would do to a person of the light?

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