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Overwhelming. How easily he was able to turn her point of view upside down.
Electric. This sudden feeling of adrenaline, rushing through her veins and let her heart beat rapidly.
Powerful. The thought of being able to cut through this nightmare. Having his abolute support in her decision. Standing up for her deepest wish without any hesitation.

And this beautiful feeling of admiration. How calmly and objectively he handled this heavy task, even if it was insane to even think about it.

Her lips parted slightly to let out excited breaths. Still trembling of her desperate outburst, (Y/N) stared into his serious gaze. Observing her silently, while listening to the cries and shouts around them. She wasn't able to say anything. Wasn't able to move. Only be captured by his deep red eyes.
"Well then..", stepping back Dark reached for a bag and started to collect different things together. Silently (Y/N) watched his doings, while already feeling her uneasiness raise. Most of all, after noticing his slight hesitation for a moment.
As relieving as it was to shout out her despair, taking things into action felt heavy. Unreal.

"About your mother..", Dark started, while watching her widened eyes seriously. Quickly regaining her composure, (Y/N) took in a deep breath to calm down. She knew what was about to happen. Knew by his careful tone what he was hinting at.

Taking things into action felt painful.

"Your attempt to endure this war with your mother's condition in this small house was useless or better suicide. She would have died. Only in a more peaceful way, than you two..she needs a proper medical treatment to not lose too much blood.she is in a critical state..but i am sure you've already noticed.", Dark spoke dry and made (Y/N) avoid his serious gaze sadly. As cruel as it sounded, it was the truth.

She already fought with her inner self of facing the inescapable moment to say goodbye. Nevertheless they were fighting against it. Staying, while blocking out the awful truth, blocking out their rational thinking. Because deep inside there was this small spark of hope. This small thought of maybe prevent this terrible future. Leaving her behind was no option. And leaving her father behind with this nightmare, either.
Feeling Dark's presence, (Y/N) was met with a small bag, which he waited for her to take. Looking inside, (Y/N) gasped of the high amount of expensive medical utensilies.

"There is a salve inside, which is able to desinfect and stop the bleeding. Make sure to use much pressure, while patching her up.", Dark explained and watched her silent tears calmly.

The spark of hope.

She couldn't describe what this man was doing to her. Locking eyes with her helpless crying ones, he gave her a slight smile.

"It's up to you to change her fate. I know what you are capable of..Cause aren't we already used to play this game, my fiancé?", Dark spoke softly and made her slightly gasp. Biting her lip in frustration, she knew what he was trying to say. Beside his thoughtfulness about her mother's fear of the demon of the dark, she had to think about his awful injuries and her desperate tries to help him. How she watched over his state to make sure to not miss something. Being precise and careful, like he was ever so often. He was right, she collected enough experiences to know how to use this precious chance to safe her. Hopefully.
Shaking her head lightly in disbelief, (Y/N) quickly brushed her tears off of her cheeks to calm down.

"Yeah..i know...", (Y/N) whispered strained, but also flustered of his words. That he trusted her abilities made her feel excited and nervous at the same time. Slowly Dark captured her chin to watch her uneasy gaze seriously. Both knew what was about to happen next.

"Stay in the house...whatever happens..leave the rest to me.", Dark spoke in a slight demanding tone and pulled her back from her difficult thoughts. Sighing, she followed his leaving form with her worried gaze, while clinging onto the small bag. Feeling already cold and restless.
Never would she dare to make him worry and risk getting him in trouble. Beside she needed to take care of her mother.
Would they have a chance? Getting out of this alive? All of them? These thoughts seemed unreal. Unbelievable. Still if it was about Dark, (Y/N) couldn't but also feel relieved. Feel hopeful and mostly protected.

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