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Her body shivered uncontrollably, but she didn't feel cold. Her mind was blank, still tears rolled down her face. The ground was trembling under her feet. Uncomfortable the vibration tickled along her legs, slowly ingulfing her body, while shouts and explosions hollowed through the wooden walls of her home. In a way she felt haunted. Cursed. It seemed that this never ending nightmare followed her, since the storm dragged her away. And now she brought everyone around her despair and destruction.

Dearly hugged by her mother, (Y/N)'s look wandered along the empty room in frustration. Gone. From one moment to another eyerthing vanished.
From the kitchen table to her beloved bookshelfs in the living room. Every possibility was roughly taken to block the entrance and build some kind of safety wall. And now they were only able to survive as good as possible, while sitting in the empty and lifless remains of their once comfortable home.

Noticing her father's stressed behavior, (Y/N) knew what was on his mind. It was only a matter of time, till they were getting through the door. Maybe burning down the house or smashing it with full force. It would be just luck, if they would get ignored. Just luck, if they would get out of this alive. Sighing deeply, her father watched the happenings outside through a small gap at the window. Familiar faces passed his sight. Helplessly running around without any orientation, just with their ridicolous will to survive. Familiar faces, which once got protected by him just minutes before and now getting merciless slashed before his very eye.

Balling his fists in anger, his look wandered back to his daughter and wife, who were focused onto his serious expression.

"Maybe we have a chance..", he started with a strained smile and quickly regained his composure.

He wanted to protect his family.

"They are heading torwards their main goal, the castle, than wasting time in destroying our small house..", he spoke as motivated as possible, but failed miserably in hiding his uneasiness.

For (Y/N) this moment felt kind of unreal. The empty looks, pale and exhausted, the sobbing of her mother, combined with the heavy silence inside their home and the intriguing battlecries on the outside.

"We need Link..Our hero Link..he is the only one who could end this out there..", her mother whispered exhausted. Sighing deeply (Y/N) covered her mother's legs with a blanket, while her mind was fighting with her own desperate thoughts.

"Was he out there?.."

The unknown felt like a torture.

But she couldn't but just endure this situation and fears, while the growling and excited screaming got louder. Suspiscious louder.

Until everything turned into a complete chaos.

Roughly pushed to the ground of an sudden explosion, the impact nearly took her breath away.
Terrifyed and shaken, (Y/N) shook her head slightly to clear her vision. Smoke and fire surrounded her form, while the sun cut through the big gap, which turned out to be their former doorway.
"Mother..", she called out for her and felt relieved after finding her injured, but alive form closby. Coughing violently, her father tried desperately to clear the area of the fire and smoke, which more and more, made their hideout unbearable to stay.
Carefully, (Y/N) walked closer to the gap to take a glimpse of the outside. Many pieces of wood and remains of their furnitures were scattered around the place, alongside lifless bodies of monsters. Only a few complaining and irritated bokblins were dizzily stumbling passed her side. It seemed they weren't aware how to use a bomb correctly.

But even if the monsters weren't threatening them, they still were in serious trouble now.

And after noticing the closby fights, sure soon dead.

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