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It was already late at night, the moment Dark reached his destination. Guards were quickly jumping to the side to let him pass the gates. They knew by his cold gaze to not say a single word, if they wanted to life any longer. The rain was getting heavier, like the weight on his shoulders. Jumping down from his horse, he carelessly threw his coat over the sattle and entered the castle. It was an immense building with high stonewalls. Monsters of all kinds were growling dangerously from every side. But still, the moment, they noticed the commander's presence, they fell silent.
Walking along the corridor, Dark could already hear the sound of an organ. Intriguing and heavy was the music playing along. He knew what to expect. Knew that soon he could be dead. He never failed like that ever before. Nevertheless, the warrior clothed in black, moved without any hesitation to reach the big double doors. His mind was blank. He felt tired and exhausted. Not because he would probably face his own death soon. No. His thoughts always drifted off to (Y/N), which let his worriness raise.

"She should be close to Hyrule field by now...", he thought, no hoped. He really wanted to know how she was doing. But mostly he had wished that he was the one who brought her home.

"Master Dark. Welcome back. Our lord is waiting for you.", a Stalfos pulled him back from his thoughts and greeted him with a short nod. Quickly it opened the big wooden door to let him pass, while the music got louder and more uncomfortable. Narrowing his eyes, he entered the big hall, while balling his fists to calm down.

"You are late...."

The music stopped abruptly, followed by a deadly silence. Dark's look wandered to the organ, where Ganondorf slowly got up from his seat to face him. The tall intimitating lord crossed his arms over his chest, while his serious gaze showed anything but pure anger. Stepping before him, Dark got down on one knee and made a slow bow to show his respect. A gesture he always struggled to act. Both knew what they think of each other. Since the beginning he despised being an underlining of this man. Hated to be too weak to get out of his grip. Something Ganondorf enjoyed to the fullest and always used to his opportunity. Like the very moment, he was more than pleased to see how his authority made his strongest warrior show his place.

"Yes.", Dark spoke strained, his look directed to the ground, while waiting for whatever would come next. The silence make the situation more dangerously, than it already was.

"You sure know already that i am not excited about your recent actions...", his deep voice echoed through the hall.

"Where should i start....unfullfilled tasks...losing an high amount of soldiers...", Ganondorf started seriously and wasn't amused of Dark's calm behavior.

"Well..it escelated.", Dark spoke straightforward. In a way it was the truth. How else could he comment his actions. Mostly his masacre at the border, which he still hoped, that the demon lord had no clue.

"Quite cocky...aren't we?", Ganondorf growled and the next moment grabbed Dark roughly by his collar to pull him up to his angered gaze.

"You always play around, something i only accept, because of your flawless work, but lately i am not pleased at all...", he growled pissed.

"How shameful of me..", Dark whispered sarcastically and struggled of the hard grip by his neck. The atmoshpere around them got cold. The demon lord's look changed into a sharp and serious one.

"Maybe we should talk about why you gave an ordinary shopkeeper a permission to stay 4 years in my land?", Ganondorf suddenly asked and smirked evily of Dark's widened eyes. He knew what he was up to. Only a little hunch would be enough to find out about (Y/N). He knew all too well what Ganondorf was able to do, even if she was out of his reach, but still, he couldn't believe that this agreement got his attention. Like it was obvious, where to look for an interesting trace. Biting his lip in anger, Dark concentrated to keep his composure. He didn't care less what was going to happen with the shopkeeper or anyone out there. He wasn't afraid to get killed right here and now for going too far. But he wanted and had to keep (Y/N) out of this at all costs.

"You think you can hide something from me? Think you could have secrets behind my back? I expected more from you.", he growled and roughly pushed him to the ground. The impact let Dark gasp of pain. Spitting some blood, he could feel how his wound at his shoulder started to bleed again.

"After you dared to skip my requests.. something you never did before, i've send out troops to get you. I also make a bit of an investigation..can't let things go on like that, you sure understand. It's dissapointing that you still try to disobey me. Were those years of torture not enough. Do you need more lessons?", he spoke dangerously, while balling his fists. Dark didn't like where this was going.

"Disobey me and you get lectured...Hide from me and i will find you...Run away from me and i will kill you..You should know your place. There is no space for anything else. You only exist to fullfill my orders.", Ganondorf spoke sadistically.

"You bastard...", still struggeling of the immense pain, Dark cursed under his breath, while trying to get up. If he had find out something about (Y/N), he would definately make a move to capture her. Even, if it was a waste of time, his pride wouldn't allow it to let a hylian get across the border unnoticed.

"You think you are allowed to do what you want? Having a village at your territory, which hide goods from the light, giving low creatures out there permissions to stay or cross the border, than getting rid of them. You disrespectful brat...i didn't give you the power as a commander to make people out there feel comfortable at my land. Spit it out! I know there is more..and i am sure it has something to do with this magic shop. Why were you so generous with this shopkeeper and why was this witch suddenly gone? What were you doing behind my back these past few days? Speak! What are you hiding?", Ganondorf shouted, while watching Dark's struggle to get to his feet. Stumbling slightly, he looked up to the lord of evil, whos aura got even more furious of Dark's slight smirk.

Ganondorf could do whatever he wanted. Shout, punch or break him.

"But never will you be able to get (Y/N).", he thought relieved about the fact that Ganondorf's investigation failed. This time, he was faster. He knew he was losing everything now. He was aware of this, since he had visited the outpost, where soldiers told him about Ganondorf's search for him. Dark didn't care at all. His reputation, his hard work every single day to avoid  torture. He would do it again, leave everything behind, because for the first time in his meaningless life, there was a reason to fight for. And as long, as she was still safe, he would go through hell over and over again.

"What does it matter? You are gonna kill me anyway. I think i will take this secret with me to the other side.", Dark spoke mockingly and felt like suffocating of the growning powerful aura around him. Grabbing Dark again by his collar, Ganondorf lifted him up to get face to face with his furious gaze.

"How brave...speaking against me like that...but in the end you will plead for mercy to end your life.", he whispered in anger. Dark only watched him emotionless, while his tunic started to get soaked from his opened wound.

"I see..we get wounded too.. What a pity..",smirking slightly, Ganondorf dugged his finger into his bloody shoulder and let Dark growl out of the immense pain.

"You are right. It doesn't matter what you were doing behind my back..it's more important how to deal with your failure..and i know exactly what to do..", he started and pressed his finger deeper into his shoulder, which let Dark shout out in pain.

"You weren't able to hear about my latest plan. I am quite excited to finally get what i want..and you will be useful too. Ready or not. You will have to bear with it. The loneliness, the pain, without ending it by yourself..sounds exciting right?", Ganondorf announced and laughed out amused. Dark was sure that death would have been far more better, than what was going to happen next. With big steps, Ganondorf headed out of the hall, while dragging Dark along the red carpet. He felt his vision slowly blurry, but fought against it to not fell uncouncious. Frustrated, he let things happen, while thinking about her. He hated himself for what he had done to her. Was she thinking about him? Maybe heartbroken? Sure she was devasted, after she realized what he did and hate him from now on like everyone else out there.

"It's okay..i am used to it..you don't have to see me ever again.."

Ganondorf's laugh echoed through the corridors. Slowly Dark was dragged into the darkness and only a long trail of blood was left behind.

"We will start right away..and make my plan reality..be prepared..."

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