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Demonic green eyes. Piercing his opponent's form in hatred.
Aggressively the giant Lynel raised his axe high up in the air, ready to end his enemy's ridicolous attempt to fight him, with one powerful blow.

But he failed. Miserably.

"Let's get started..", Dark whispered excited. Smirking of his successful shot.
Inhaling deeply, the Lynel gasped of the sudden impact at its neck. Precisely the arrow cut through the deep skin and let it shout out in anger. But not for long. Irritated its look followed the rope from its neck torwards an amused demon, who quickly hold onto it to slide from his horse to the monster's back.
No one ever dared to get so close. No one ever dared to humilate it in such a way. Screaming in pain and hatred it struggled to get the painful piece of wood out of its skin, while Dark rushed along the backbone for his next move. Getting his sword he tried to push the blade deep into the Lynel's shoulder, but quickly had to jump back of the monster's spitting fireball. Protecting himself against a rough clap, Dark got pushed further away onto the hard ground.

"How rude of you...", he whispered evily, while slowly getting back up to his feet, ready for another round. But the next moment stopped abruptly of noticing a familiar presence. "Didn't expect to meet this green imp so soon..how delightful..", Dark huffed in amusement of the flash of green, the widened blue eyes, which narrowed of the demon's existance.

"I've expected someone else as their commander...", Link growled pissed, while approaching his side. The situation was already dramatic. Beside facing these giant creatures, he couldn't believe that he had to deal with him. How was this even possible? Locking eyes with the demon's deep red ones, Link was aware that this time, Dark was on a whole different level, than their last fight. Alone his powerful aura gave everyone around shivers. But something was off. Out of character. What was this demon up to?

"Excuse me, but he is getting impatient..beside he was first..", Dark cut the hero off arrogantly, while focussing onto his opponent again, much to Link's surprise and confusion.

The Lynel stomped his hooves deep into the ground in frustration, while the demon of the dark just chuckled amused of his distress. The creature was upset. Intriguid by this sudden abnormal uneasiness deep inside. The shame to get overpowered. On top hurt by an simple arrow, which still stuck deep on the side of its neck.
Dark wasn't surprised that his first attack wasn't an deadly one, but on the other hand quite thrilling. He had to admit, he didn't expect a spitting fireball. That was something new. But he remembered from some books, that Lynel were quite talented and intelegent creatures. Able to create and train new skills.

Smirking devilishly, Dark watched its uneasy gaze, while pointing his sword torwards its chest to provoke him. Ignoring the mass of soldiers and the hero clothed in green at the sidelines.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Fearless the demon of the dark rushed forward, while the Lynel lifted his axe for another attack. Gasping the others stepped back or ran for their lifes, terrifyed of the monster's powerful force. But the next moment the Lynel's angered screams turned into cries of despair, while starting to stumble slightly. One leg after another, Dark roughly cut through the achille's tendons to make the giant fall. With full force the axe landed onto the ground, cutting deep into mud, alongside the Lynel's body.
The smoke of the impact slowly faded, relieving the shaken and aggressive form of the monster. Noticing confident footsteps closby, let its head raise and lock eyes with the cold and emotionless deep red ones of a merciless killer.
His inner instinct kicked in. The will to survive, but felt frozen in place of this demon's intimitating presence. Knowing all too well who had the upper hand. A quick step, a short jump and a powerful stab, pierced the Lynel's chest to end its life. Everything observed by a serious gaze at the back.

"Wise decision to give in...", gasping the Lynel growled in pain, while enduring Dark's evil smirk. "Die with pride..",he whispered and pushed further to let the creature scream in agony. Emotionless Dark stepped back, while brushing some sweat off of his forehead. Already feeling the presence of the courageous hero of hyrule behind him.

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