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Frozen in place, she wasn't able to move an inch. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, while her mind was racing of what to say. How to start. How to explain.
Only the faint sound of battlecries cut through the silence once in awhile. At moments like that (Y/N) sure would have left for some time to let them calm down. Think of a solution and speak things out on better terms. But time and space became precious.

Who knows what was coming next?

(Y/N)'s gaze slowly wandered from her serious father torwards her helpless looking mother, who avoided her daughter's expression in watching the floor. Obviously fighting with pain. Obviously fighting with her inner self. Her heart raced rapidly, while the fabric of the small bag in her strong grip, slowly was rubbing up her skin. Her mother needed help. (Y/N) had the solution right in her hands. Only steps away to ease her pain. Still she couldn't but just stay in her position. Didn't dare to approach her shivering form.
Avoiding her father's strained state, who sure was about to explode any second of what he had to endure, (Y/N) noticed a sudden light beside her. Looking down to the small bag, she noticed Dark's fairy, who gave her a supporting smile, while nodding for her to go on. Thinking about it, he was in a way right. It couldn't get any worse anyway. They had seen enough. Sure were able to put the pieces together and only needed to hear the rest.

"Say (Y/N) are you out of your mind?"

It really couldn't get any worse, right? Like in all those books she had read, it always led to an good end.
Locking eyes with her father's narrowed gaze, (Y/N) took in a deep breath, preparing herself of what was about to happen. Had to happen, since her heart beated for the warrior clothed in black.

How difficult it felt to stay hopefully.

"I..i know it sure needs time for you to comprehend..to understand.", she started and quickly fell silent of her father's angered huff. "Oh dear...", the fairy sat down onto her shoulder to support her as good as possible. Even if it was staying close by her side to not let herself feel alone.

"Time to understand? What? That i had to find out that my daughter is attracted to the demon of the dark!", he spoke in disbelief, while lifting his arms up in the air dramatically.

Now it definately was going out of hand.

"You must be brainwashed! Cursed! How else is it possible that you just stomp into our house with a commander of Ganondorf's army! On top literally threw yourself against him before our very eyes! Are you kidding me (Y/N)!? What's gotten into you!", he growled angered, while balling his fists to control himself.

And now it was getting ugly. But still it was his right to get angry. To be confused and stressed of his daugther's behavior.

"That's a bit too much, don't you think? She was relieved to see him again..they like each other..By the way, he isn't part of the dark realm's army anymore..he fights for (Y/N)!", the small fairy tried to help out, but quickly regretted his actions after facing her father's angered growl.

"And who do you think you are?..", he hissed and let the fairy glare back as good as possible. "A..a proud fairy and supporter of your daughter! She is doing nothing wrong!", he huffed stressed, but fell silent of (Y/N)'s hand sign to stop.

"Oh right a fairy!..it's getting better and better..Dear hylia...", Her father pinched his nose with a heavy sigh.

Closing her eyes for a moment (Y/N) just wanted to stop this awful happening right now. She was aware that her parents wouldn't be pleased about this. Who would? With Dark's past it was really difficult to explain how she was able to fell in love with him. To even think about it. Combined with their already stressed state and sure gossip of townspeople, (Y/N) already knew that a normal conversation wasn't an option anymore.
Sure it had to be an evil spell to make her feel this way. To turn their world upside down from one moment to another, beside the fact to endure staying in between a war right now. Her father had all right to lose his temper. Still had to comprehend the image of his little innocent daughter making out with a man. Out of nowhere. Something she never had done and thought she was still too young and pure to ever think about. And even if her actions made herself feeling helplessly emabarrassed, she couldn't hold back. Acted out of love.

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