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Dark clouds covered the sky. With every minute the wind got stronger and more uncomfortable. Shuddering of the thought that soon rain would follow, (Y/N) pressed her face into his black tunic. Hugging Dark close, she already felt scared to the bone to ride into her unknown fate.

"Seems like the weather is showing us a taste of the upcoming events....", Dark whispered more to himself, but clearly for her to hear. His words sounded calm, relaxed, like he was just playing around with her nerves again. But his expression showed otherwise. Serious and cold. A look so intriguing, which let her feel quite uneasy.

Their ride was unbearable long. Exhausted and uncomfortable she stayed in her position and tried to focus on her goal, on the smiling faces of her family, which she missed dearly. Tears were about to well up in her eyes, but quickly she pressed them away. Not now. Not here. It would only get in her way. To become a shaking, sobbing mess would only blow up her cover. By the way she clinged onto his body, Dark could feel her distress and fear. It wasn't surprising. If she was able to see what was before her, she would definately overthink their plan.

Slowing down, Dark's look wandered across the outpost. Narrowing his eyes, he noticed more guards than usual. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he reached the building, which, this time, was made of massive stonewalls, than wood.
Impressive, it was light up by burning torches, while monsters were evily grinning down to their Master's serious gaze. Dark didn't have to say or do anything. Alone his presence was enough to let the guards hurry in all directions. Preparing their weapons and stepping closer to his side, Dark made sure to keep his black cape in position. 

"Master Dark. I already send troops to find you.." , a dark raspy voice echoed from the outpost and let Dark raise his brows in confusion.

"Master Dark! This is our new captain. He was send by Lord Ganondorf to support us.", a Stalfos spoke quickly, while keeping his distance to stay safe.
Slowly a giant Moblin stomped out of the outpost and let his horse stumble of its immense power. Quickly stopping his horse, Dark gave the monster an unimpressed look of disgust.

"A newbie. How charming...Enlighten me, why you need my precious time...", he spoke dangerously, which let the other monsters step back in fear.
Smirking, the Moblin stopped before him. His look proud and arrogant, which let Dark ball his fists in anger. Oh how he wished to give this disgusting creation of Ganondorf a lesson, but he had to hold back his temper to not expose (Y/N)'s hideout, who already shuddered of his  powerful dark aura.

"Lord Ganondorf was looking for you...where have you been?"

Hearing the name of the dark lord, made (Y/N) press her face into Dark's shirt. If this man would show up, she sure would end in a cruel prison. With or without her scent, this monster would find her.

Sighing, he pinched his nose with two fingers, while slowly opening his cape. (Y/N)'s breath hitched. On high alert, she smoothly moved her body slowly to stay under the black fabric.
Sighing relieved, that it worked, she felt also irritated by his sudden moves. His temper was quite exhausting. She still was situated in front of him, but now more in a bowing position with the big heavy cape all over her. From the outside it looked like a pile of black fabric, which Dark placed before him. But at that moment no one really cared. Everyone was focused on the demon of the dark, who got an angered look on his face.

Her mind was racing of all kind of scenarios, but suddenly a gash of wind combind with the sound of metal cut through her thoughts. Gasping, the moblin stepped back shocked, while facing the sharp blade of Dark's sword. Watching the tip of it, which was pointed at his forehead, the moblin growled pissed. He didn't see that coming. Nobody was able to follow his skilled, threatening move. Surprised and shocked, everyone froze in the spot. Even (Y/N), who couldn't see anything, but the sounds around her were enough to imagine what was going on.

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