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It was a calm and silent night. The moon shone brightly down onto the world and let everything glister mysteriously. From afar, the gallop of a horse broke through the peaceful mood. The horseman's look was sharp and serious. No one would dare to stop him or get into his way.
Only short greetings or admired looks were given, after he passed their sides. Finally reaching his destination, he quickly made it's way inside. Impatient and silent, he gave everyone on his way a serious nod. Pushing the big double doors to get inside, he was watched by everyone with a relieved sigh. They were waiting for him. Their savior and only hope at dark times like that.


His look met her serious one. Just by her strained gaze you knew in an instant that something was off. She always was easy to read. Nevertheless, she always tried to look calm and collected. Proudly, she gave the hero a short nod and welcomed him like she was taught.

"Princess Zelda.", Link started and made a short bow. Walking along the red carpet, he spotted a badly wounded soldier, who was kneeling before the princess. Pale as a ghost, he watched the hero exhausted. Whatever he had to face to change from an once proud soldier into this frightened mess, made Link quite nervous.

"Is this the man from the border?", he asked, while observing his shaking form. Getting a short nod from Zelda, he kneelt down in front of him.

"Master Link....it was an absolut nightmare. ", the soldier started strained and took hold onto his green tunic.

"I can imagine. What i heard you had to deal with my longtime enemy...I am glad you made it out there.", Link spoke seriously, while watching his frustrated state.

"I am sure, if Dark Link wasn't badly wounded, i wouldn't be here... something really strange happened Master Link...we fought our way through the border and out of nowhere a woman stepped before us.", the soldier started and let Link raise his brows in surprise. He already heard about the terrible incident at the border, but this was something new.

"She didn't look like a fighter. She seemed more in need of help and was crying. We thought this was an evil trick. A try to get to our side as a spy, so we decided to kill her."

Link didn't like where this was going. To just end a life, without knowledge about the background was inacceptable.

"But Dark Link took the blow, got badly wounded and protected her. Can you believe that? He seemed frustrated. Told us that she was a Hylian and belonged to us. That we had to protect her and take her with us. His act made his army irritated. They called him a traitor....and then it escalated....", he explained and let Link gasp of surprise. A man so cruel and evil was protecting someone? Someone from the light realm?

"Beside attacking us, he killed his own man. Every single monster..He was so fast, so skilled...it was impossible to fight back. I was further away and had to make a report. I was hidden at the back, but still he was able to sense me.. It was horrifying. It was luck, that i could escape. That, and his struggle with his injuries...", he spoke exhausted and watched Link's nervous gaze. This sounded really troublesome and out of line.

"I think this woman is the missing girl, who got carried away by the storm Link.", Zelda cut in and got his attention. Deep in thought, Link had to calm his nerves first. If this was true, then it got more and more troublesome.
This story seemed insane. That his dark counterpart was going on a rampage like that for a Hylian was more than unbelievable. Why would he do that? Which evil plan was he up to now? He had to deal with many of Dark's evil tricks and fights. It pushed Link's worriness even more, if an innocent woman was involved in this. He already was looking for this missing girl, after getting a message about it, but to think that she could get carried away that far wasn't crossing his mind.

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