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Everything seemed like always. Untouched, like she left this room, her room, just minutes before and not for days. Even her dirty clothes, which she carelessly threw over her seat, were still there. She remembered how excited she was to finally get ready for her travelling to Lake Hylia. Shaking her head in disbelief, she rubbed her eyes exhausted.

"And now i am here again..", (Y/N) thought strained, while fighting against this empty feeling deep inside. Link was right. Alone stepping into her, once precious home, felt different. Unreal. Not in an uncomfortable way, but still kind of odd. Mostly she struggeled how to react to everyone's happiness and excitment. Was it even possible to just be happy again, after getting through so much nightmares? One thing was clear, she couldn't shake off this heavy sadness deep inside of her so easily.

Stretching her body with a low groan, she let out an exhausted sigh.
It was strange to lay in her bed again. Be ingulfed in those comfortable blankets, she always longed for every day, but now didn't let her feel relaxed at all. Sighing, her look wandered across her favorite place. Her bookshelf with the mass of books, she loved to read. Her table, still covered with stacks of papers of her first try to write a story by herself. Quickly looking away embarrassed, she couldn't believe how such an ridiculous idea ever had crossed her mind, but the next moment she had to chuckle bitterly.

"I was bored...i was hooked up with those books..stories about thrilling adventures, passion and beautiful blooming love..things i definately are fed up with.. ", she whispered stressed, while slowly getting up from her laying position.

"There is no happy end in real..."

In an instant, she felt goosebumps on her skin of the uncomfotable coldness by her missing blanket.

"Take your time and rest.", she whispered Link's words sarcastically.

Biting her lip in frustration, she let herself fall back again to cover her form completely. She felt exhausted. Felt heavy and dull. In a way she wished to just dissappear, to fall asleep and escape her thoughts. (Y/N) already feared how things would turn out, if she would come back home, but reality was so much worse.

"Where are you?..."

"What are you doing?"

Questions, she whispered strained, while watching her ceiling with a blank expression. If she would give in, she sure could cry uncontrollably.

Is this how it was going? She was at home, left behind with her nightmares and heart broken, pushed back to her old life again, without a chance to get informations about him. "How?...How should i go on..", she whispered sadly, while desperately longing for his presence.

Even, if he maybe moved on.

"I miss you Dark..."

Closing her eyes for a moment, she let out a short sob. It was useless how much she tried. The moment she closed her eyes, he was there. His deep red eyes, his soft smile and his caring words.

"Are you alright?", she whispered worried, while still watching the ceiling.

"(Y/N)?...", her mother's soft voice let her gasp of surprise and quickly regain her compsoure into a happier one, but she knew how easy her mother saw through her actions. Smiling weakly, her mother sat down beside her, while taking her hand in hers.

"Are you worried about someone?", she asked carefully to not push her too much. Uneasy (Y/N) avoided her hurt look. She knew that her actions cause her parents much worry. She didn't tell them everything of what had happened, because she, herself, was still struggeling with it. It was unfair. She was aware of that.
Beside this painful heartache, she also needed to try hard to not dissappoint her family. But she couldn't tell them. This insane secret she had to keep hidden for the rest of her life. They would be devasted. Beyond shocked. That she was in love with a demon. Not any demon. The cruel commander Dark Link.

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