week before training camp

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●●●●●●●●●●●●At Nekoma●●●●●●●●●●●

Coach Nekomata: Okay gather around

Kuroo: Yea coach? We're ending soon coach.

Coach Nekomata: I know that! I just need to inform the team about a trainning camp held at karasuno.

Kuroo💭: Kenma going to be excited!!! We get to met Chibi-chan again!!!

When the team gathered with the begs ready to leave.

Coach Nekomata: We will be having a training camp hosted by Karasuno.

Kenma💭 : I get to see Shoyo again.

Kenma smiling sightly trying not to get caught smiling

Lev💭 : I get to see Hinata!!!

Lev sqeald at the thought.

Yaku💭: I get to see Hinat again.

Team💭: Can't wait to get more praises from him. I'm going to show him me new skills.

The team smiled determined impress their beloved bright orang volleyball player.

●●●●●●●●●At Shiratorizawa●●●●●●●●●

Coach Washiji : Wakatoshi can you get the team to gather around before i dismisse you?

Wakatoshi :Hmm okay coach. Everybody please gather around Coach Washiji has some thing to annoced.

The team gathered arounf their coach waiting for the annocement befpre going back to their dorms.

Tendo: Yes coach?

Coach Washiji: We will be having a training camp held by karasuno next week.

Semi💭: I get to see Hinata!! I'm show him me new moves, I'm so exicited.

Goshiki💭: im going to impress him with my spike!! I hope praise me!!

Wakatoshi: How long is the training camp coach?

Wakatoshi💭: I hope it's at least 1 month.

The team looked at their coach waiting an answer.

Coach Washiji: It will least for 2 months

Tendo: Wow that long.

The team 💭: More time with Hinata-kun.

Wakatoshi💭: More time to impress Hinata Shoyo.

Coach Washiji: there will be a week of studing so the the teams invited would not slick on their studys.

The team💭: We get to study with him too!

•••••••••••••••••At Inarizaki•••••••••••••••••••

Coach Norimune: Can I get everyone to gather around quickly?

The team : Hai Coach!

Kita: What is it Coach?

Coach Norimune: We will be having a training camp help at karasuno.It will last for at least 2 months. There will also be a week the the teams invited to study together.

Atsumu💭: I get to study and play with Sho-kun!!!😃

Osamu💭: I can't wait for him to praise us!☺

Aran💭: I can't wait for him to ask me to teach him again!

Kita💭: Can't wait for him to be all bubbly and praising us😊! It feels nive when he praises us.
Suna: Can't wait to take as many pictures i can of him.😄☺

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°At Date Tech°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

Coach Oiwake: *Coagh* I get everybody here to gather.

Futakuchi: Hai coach. What is it about?

They looked at their coach curious since he only does this when they had a training camp coming up.

Coach Oiwake: We will be having a Training camp held be Karasuno.

Kanji💭: Can't wait to toss to him!

Coach Oiwake: There will be a week to study with the other teams invided to make sure you guys dont slick off your studys.

Aone💭: Can't wait to see Hinata Shoyo again. I'm going to show him my new blocking style. I hope we get praised a lot.

Aone smiled softly wanting to get praised by Hinata.

To Be Continue....

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