day 17 of training camp

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Target Terushima

While cuddling with Akaashi and Bokuto on the couch in the living room. It was early morning that day. Bokuto and Akaashi woke up because of a nightmare. Of course this forced them to go into little space. They woke up Hinata since the room was dark and they could not see. Hinata woke up, rubbing his eyes before looking at the two.

Hinata: Hey baby owls. Why are you awake? It's 6.30 in the morning.

Akaashi: We have nightmare. Scared.

Hinata: Ohh you slip as well?

Bokuto: Baba? Cuddle? 🥺

Hinata: Sure.

Carrying the two down stairs into the living room. Settling onto the couch, as  Hinata looked for a movie for the two to watch.

Hinata: How old do you feel right now sweethearts?

Bokuto: We f-four.

Hinata: Alright.

Yeah so that's how they ended up in the living room. Sakusa was one of the few that slept in his room that woke up. He looked for Hinata on the bed. Patting the bed to find Hinata, only to realise that he was not in bed. Walking out of the room Sakusa went down and found Hinata with Bokuto and Akaashi on the couch watching a movie. He felt left out ever since he confessed. Walking up behind Hinata. Sakusa wrap his arms around Hinata's neck.

Sakusa: I wanna cuddle too.

Hinata: Hey baby. You want to cuddle with me?

Sakusa nodded still sleepy. Sakusa went to sit on Hinata's lap, laying his head on his chest. Clutching on to Hinata's shirt. Hinata thought today would be a good day to bring Sakusa on a date.

Hinata: Baby? Do you want to go on a date later with me?

Sakusa: Really?!

Hinata: Yes. I know we don't get to spend much time together, so I think this is what I can do to make up for it.

Sakusa: I would love to go on a date with you. What time?

Hinata: Later maybe in the afternoon.

Sakusa: After practice?

Hinata: Yeah.

Hugging Hinata tightly, excited for the date. Soon the rest of his lovers came down. Still in their PJs. Oikawa, Shirabu and Goshiki ran to him. Feeling clingy today. Sakusa still was latching onto Hinata. Holding him tight.

Hinata: You three are feeling clingy as well today too?

The three nodded. Bokuto and Akaashi still didn't want him to be away from them. They were always close by with him.

During practice in the morning

While the players were chating, playing some matchs together. Hinata was talking with Terushima.

Hinata: Hey Terushima.

Terushima: Yeah? What is it spiderman?

Hinata: Wanna know what other skills I learnt during the break?

Terushima: Hmm what is it?

Hinata: Well other then sports you want to know what else I learnt?

Terushima: What?

Hinata: This.

Hinata pinned Terushima onto a wall behind them. Placing Terushima's arms above his head. His knee pushing up against Terushima's dick. Terushima let out a small almost unaudible moan. Terushima looked at Hinata in the eyes, blushing hard.

Hinata: I can always showing my actions. Maybe in bed?

Terushima looked at Hinata, blood rushing into his face. His face was bright red like a rose. Hinata lets go of his arms as his lovers called for him. Sitting onto the bleachers with Goshiki, Shirabu amd Oikawa on his lap, Akaashi and Bokuto hugging his arms and Sakusa back-hugging him. Watching Inrikzaki vs Date Tech as they have a rematch. Aran severing first for Inrikzaki.

Hinata: Look at the format, look how the players are placed. When you sever you try hit the in-between the two players that are nearest to a corner. Don't aim at the same place as well.

Remembering the tips Hinata gave him,  Aran severed the ball with amazing speed, the ball landing in between the libero and wing spiker of Date Tech. Shocking the two. Aran went up for his second sever, the two got ready as Aran did his second sever. Expecting him to sever the same place. Instead Aran sever the ball in the middle. Causing the three that were infront to look back at where the ball had landed.

Fast forward.....

As Suna did a faint to try and get the last point of the second set. The blockers could not block the attack.

Hinata: If the player does a faint instead of a spike and your not able to prevent it, I want you to move your arms back once your fingers got the ball, I want you to push the ball back. Push the ball onto the floor.

Aone decided to try the new skill he had learnt from Hinata. Pushing the ball on to Inrikzaki's side of the court. Ending the second set with Date Tech winning the set by 1 point extra.

This cause the coachs the drive their attention towards Hinata. They knew Hinata had improved tremendously, but didn't know he had come up with blocks and attacks for different situations.

Coachs: This kid is more dangerous now then before.

As the third set goes on. Hinata's phone rang.

Hinata: Hey I'll be back. I need to answer this call.

Shirabu: Fine. But come back quick.

Hinata: Alright doll face

Walking out of the gym. Hinata answered the call.

Hinata: Hello?

Terushima: Hey Hinata can I met you right now?

Hinata: Sure. Where?

Terushima: Behind the gym.

Hinata: Alright.

Walking towards the back of the gym, Hinata saw Terushima leaning on the wall.

Hinata: Hey?

Terushima: Ohh hey Hinata.

Hinata: So what is it?

Terushima: Well you see, I have a crush on you. And I want to be able to have a chance to day I love you.

Hinata: Terushima I love to be your lover, being able to reply back with a I love you too, my little superstar.

Terushima: C-could we?

Hinata kissed Terushima's lips with passion. The kiss had so much love, gentleness. Parting their lips, they went back inside the gym. As they entered the gym, Akaashi yelled out.

Akaashi: Dear! Look out!

Seeing the ball coming right at them, Hinata covered Terushima into his chest. Using his back to sheld Terushima.

Terushima: Hey love?! Are you alright?!

Hinata: I'm fine. What about you?

Terushima: I'm fine! But you took the blow!

Hinata: I'm fine I promise.

Walking back towards the bleachers. The five that were clingy onto him made sure that he was alright.

Sakusa: Babe! Be careful next time! You made us worried!

Hinata: I'm sorry loves.

Akaashi: At least your safe right?

Hinata nodded his head.

Now walking back to the dorms to rest with the rest of the players for the afternoon.

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