day 5 of training camp

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Hinata's target Goshiki.....

The coachs decided that every 5 days they would let the players study. The teams were in the gym sitting on the floor with pen and paper with their text book. They were sightly surprise tp see Hinata bring a gym bed with him.

Semi: Hinata? What's in there?

Hinata: Ohh inside are my weights😃. I use them while I study.😄

Tendo: Do you study often then?

Hinata: Yeah I do. I can even answer third year questions.

Coach Ukai: Let's see about that.😏😁

The coachs just so happen to pass by when Hinata said that he could answer third year questions. He got out a thrid year text book, and wrote down 3 question from the text book.

Coach of Shiratorizawa: I want all the thrid years to answer this questions. Hinata since you said you can answer them I want you to participate as well.

Hinata: Hai!

Hinata and the rest of the third years startes answer the questions. Some having problems answer them. When they looked at Hinata they were surprise to see he was about to finsh the third question. All of the question anwer had working on it, no guessing. It has only been 10 mins, and he answer them within 5.

After another 20 mins, the coach collected the papers giving back all of their papera but not Hinatas'.

Hinata: Is there something wrong sir?

Coach of Shiratorizawa: No. You answer them flawlessly. No wrong calculation. Do you think you can teach the third years? They did badly on the questions. I'm surprised you can answer them, they were not even thought to them yet.

The third years looked at Hinata shoocked that he answer questions that were not thought to him or the rest of the third years yet.

Coach of Fukurodani: Tell us , how do you it?

Hinata: Well it's pretty simple really😅. Since I'm to much an obsesses volleyball freak I change the question into what I understand. I'll show you, Kageyama!

Kageyama: What do you want Boke!

Hinata: If you were to toss to me at the speed of 20cm per second. And the distance between me and the ball was 1m. What is the time taken?

Kageyama: simple in 5 seconds the ball would reach you.

They were shook that Kageyama could answer that, he was not the best with math and seeing how he got it right was amazing.

Hinata: There you got your answer sir😄.

Coach of Fukurodani: Amazing maybe I need to try this on Bokuto.

Goshiki: Hinata! Could you help me in my studys? I'm having trouble😅

Hinata: Sure Goshiki-kun 😄.

Hinata went to sit next to Goshiki helping him in on his questions. Goshiki showed him a question he made and ask Hinata to answer it.

Hinata: I like you?.... Ohhhh I love you too Goshiki.😘

Goshiki:Wait you do?! I thought you would not be paying attention to me 👉👈😅😔

Hinata: I always pay attention to you most of the time you just don't know. So woukd you like to be mine?

Goshiki: I would love too. Can I have a nickname though?😄

Hinata: Of course! What do you want? Prince?Princess? Angel?

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