day 4 of training camp

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Hinata's target Ushijima( sorry if i spelled it wrong)

Hinata was in the kitchen with Kita and Oikawa helping him make lunch. He was having a hard time getting the twins to release his arms. Suddenly he got an idea.

Hinata: Okay what about this? I'll feed you your lunch okay?

Atsumu: I wanna sit on your lap😣

Osamu: Me too!😣

This made the two who were making lunch snap their heads at the twins. They were about to say something when they were interupted. By Hinata agreeing . They looked at Hinata with puppy eyes, begging him to at least feed them or cuddle them. Hinata understood and nodding wispering in their ears we can cuddle later before going to sleep. Kita set up the plates and severed the food to the pther players who were observing them feeling left out in the loving moment.

At the gym......

Hinata: Kageyama!!! I wanna try something.

Kageyama: I'm not tossing to you again!

Hinata: No! I want you to spike MY toss.

Kageyama: No way I'm spiking your toss! I bet they suck.😤

Hinata: 😤 Fine! I'll ask somebody else! Atsumu? Baby fox? Can you spike my toss?

Atsumu: Sure Sho-kun🤗😊.

Hinata: Osamu? Baby? You want to join?

Osamu: Sure😊😁

It gave Kita a slight heart attack seeing the twins not fighting with Hinata. They were talking it out. Hinata gave them a kiss on the cheek for not agruing this time. Atsumu got a ball and Hinata amd Osamu got into position. Osamu on the other side of the net ready to block or save the ball, Hinata ready to toss. Atsumu gave the ball to Hinata and ran to jump. Hinata tossed the ball so quick the when Atsumu spiked it, it made a loud sound. The other teams and coachs were resting watch the twins and Hinata, surprised the twins were not fighting. When they saw what happen they were so surprise. The ball seemes invisible when Hinata tossed it.

Osamu: Hey! You left a mark! You idiot!

Atsumu: I didn't even hit that hard! What do you mean I left a mark! You idio--- oooh but I didn't do that?

They looked at Hinata who seems impressed with what he had done.

Hinata: Sorry my bad😅 I might have tosses it a bit to fast.

Miya twins: But It was so cool!!😲🤯

Hinata: Ohh is it my twin baby foxes?

Hinata smirkes as he nailed down to carry the twins to where all the rest of the teamsthat were resting were. Suddenly Ushijima walked towards Hinata.

Ushijima: May I spike your toss Hinata Shoyo?

Hinata: Sure😊 But you can call me just call me Hinata or Shoyo 😊. It's to long saying my ful name.

Hinata said to Ushijima who was blushing hard at the thought that Hinata allowed him to call him by his first name. Hinata grab a ball and walked towards the net. Hinata tossed the ball and Ushijima spiked it but this since Ushijima usually spikes hard, when he spiked it left a gig mark on the floor. Ushijima was amazed , he kept on asking Hinata to toss for him. Hinata did not mind but he was becaming bored and wanted to rest.

Hinata : I think that's enough for today Ushijima😅 I wanna rest plus we still need to eat dinner.

Before Ushijima could replie he was interupted.

Oikawa: Give him a break Ushijima! He needs to rest and sleep. You guys have been doing this for the past 4 hours.

Ushijima: Ohh okay. My apologise Hinata.😔

Hinata slimed and ask...

Hinata: Can talk to you Ushijima?

Ushijima: ohh ah... Sure

They walked out of the gym with Hinata asking his boyfriends to get ready to eat .

Hinata: Ushijima? Are you alright?😟 You seem to be sleeping less then usual and have been looking at me more often. Are you okay? Is there anything you wanna talk about?

Ushijima: I wanna be close to you😔😟

Ushijima wispered. Hinata could barrely understand him but he did hear him.

Hinata: You want to be close to me?🤨😯. How close really? Do you want this relation ship between us to stay as friends or....

Ushijima: I want to be your boyfriend.

Hinata: Sure I like you a lot and if it helps you I would love to be yours 😄 . Do you want to be my boyfriend?

Ushijima: I would like that😊.

Hinata: You want to help me make dinner?

Ushijima nodded ready to walk back to the dorms and make dinner when suddenly he was being carried by Hinata.

Ushijima: Wait aren't you tired? Plus aren't I heavy?

Hinata: What do you mean? Your very light. Maybe I'm just strong. You go ahead rest on my shoulder, I don't want to eye begs on your pretty face babyboy.

Ushijima blushed and led his head on to  Hinata's shoulder. They both went back into the dorms. Ushijima went to change and help make dinner with Hinata with pecks here and there during tge process. His 4 boyfriends were not surprise knowing that soon the hold harem would be in the relationship.

Hinata: Now come here Kita.

When Kita walked over to Hinata he was pulled into Hinata and is now sitting in the middle of his lap.( btw they are sitting on the floor in the living room) The twins sitting next to Hinata. Oikawa was pulled onto the middle of Hinata's lap. Kita and Oikawa got comfortable with Hinata chin resting on their heads. Ushijima hugging the back of Hinata. Soon while they were watching the movie, Hinata was reading a book with Ushijima , who was bored of the movie and decided to read with him. An hour later as the movie finishes those who were watching were brought back into Hinata's room to sleep. As Hinata room was very big, his bed could fit 20 people if was no big deal , Hinata changed Kita amd Oikawa's shirts into his knowing they prefer to be in his imbrace when sleeping. He went back into the living room to find Ushijima waiting for him.

Hinata : You want to contiuen reading with me babyboy?

Ushijima nodded getting comfortable on Hinata as they led on the couch, Ushijima on top of Hinata, head on his chest. They contiuened reading when Hinata heard Ushijima yawn.

Hinata: You tired baby?

Ushijima only nodded getting ready to sleep on Hinata's chest. Hinata chukkled amd carried him into his room laying in the middle with Ushijima on top of him, Kita and Oikawa who immdiately cling on to him.

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