day 3 of training camp

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Hinata's targets Miya Twins

Seeing as Kita and Oikawa were being sightly clingy not that he cared but he needed to go for his morning run and make them breakfast.

Hinata: Come on I have to go for my run amd make breakfast.

Kita & Oilawa : If we let you go will you let us sit on your lap and feed us?🥺☹

Hinata: Okay I promise once I'm done with making breakfast amd getting ready I will let you guys set on my lap and I'll feed you too. But first you two need to be up and ready once i get back okay?

They both nodded and got their clothes ready before going into the restroom. Hinata giving them a peck on their cheecks. It was only 6am but Hinata wanted to get ready early. After doing his usual work out and did what he promised. He got ready, made breakfast and let his boyfriends set on his lap. The place was peaceful with Hinata feeding his boyfriends when he heard a soft sigh. It seems to have come from the twins. His boyfriends didn't hear them . The day went on as usual but with the twins fighting less. Concerning Kita. Hinata saw the worried expression on Kita so he called out.

Hinata: Sweetheart? Don't worry okay I'll check on them okay? Don't stress yourself. Leave them to me.

Kita: ohh ahh okay .

Kita replied buring his face into Hinata's chest seeing that he was now shorter then Hinata. Hinata called the twins out to talk to them.

Hinata: Atsumu, Osamu can I talk to you guys for a bit?

Miya twins: Sure Sho-kun.😁

They walked out of the gym, and Hinata ask .

Hinata:Hey are you guys okay? You guys aren't really active and you guys have been looking at me longer then usual.

The twin played with their finger avoiding eye contact with Hinata. They replied with...

Miya twins: We like you 👉👈 but we're sure you don't like us😔😣.

The twins held back their tears ready to hear the rejectful words, but it don't happen. Suddenly they were pulled into Hinata's chest

Miya twins: ehhh?!😧

Hinata: I like you both too. I'm polymours. I really liked you both so please don't cry.😅😰

The twins were tearing up they didn't expect their crush to like them back. They lean against Hinata's chest cooling down and with Hinata comfort them.

Hinata: Would like to be mine and be my boyfriends?

Miya twins: Yes! We would love too!

They hugged Hinata their heads on Hinata's chest comfortable.

Hinata: Why don't we go back practice okay? MY baby foxes?

They nodded blushing at the nickname that was given to by their now boyfriend. Their pracitice match contiuend umtil dinner time. Kita being more relieved seeing the twins back to normal. They were eating dinner when the twins sat on Hinata's lap with their food on the table. Hinata getting the singnal started feed them and Oikawa Kita sulking beside Hinata.

Hinata : Later we can cuddle okay?

The four of they nodded wanting to cuddle and sleep. After a while they got ready to sleep, the twins ready to start fighting each other about who gets to sleep beside Hinata but was stop immedaitly by Hinata with a kiss on the lips.

Hinata: Now now we don't start fights do we?🤨

The twins shook their heads waiting for their reward wait like obident puppies waiting for their treat for doing what their master told them.

Hinata💭: Cute

He pat their heads , opening his hands wide to hug his boyfriends.

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