day 17 afternoon

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Target Hoshiumi

While resting abit until their afternoon practice Hinata was with the littles'  and Sakusa. Hinata was able to convince Sakusa to go into little space. Hinata was playing with Atsumu and Osamu, while Akaashi and Bokuto were drawing in the corner. Ushijima and Tendo were playing blocks. Oikawa was taking a nap. Shirabu, Semi and Goshiki were watching cartoons on the mini television that was installed on to the wall in the room. Sakusa was cuddling with Hinata on Hinata's lap.

Sakusa: Dada! When we go for our date?

Hinata : Later in the afternoon, during lunch.

Sakusa : Otay Dada.

After awhile Hinata got them ready to take their nap. Tucking them on the bed, Hinata left the room with a fully awake Oikawa. As they went inside the living room, Hinata spotted Suna, Aran and Kita on the couch watching the television. Walking behind them, Hinata gave a kiss on their lips. Catching them off guard.

Aran: Babe! Where have you been?

Hinata: Haha... I went to tuck the rest to sleep before afternoon practice. Did you rest well loves?

Suna: We did, though it was lonely without you.

Hinata: Well I'm here now. Want to cuddle?

Kita: Yes please. It has been a while since we got to cuddle.

Hinata chuckled, sitting on the floor with pillows placed on the floor. Kita and Oikawa was on Hinata's lap while Aran and Suna were cuddling his arms. As the five were watching the TV, Hoshiumi was observing them.

Hoshiumi 💭: Hmm how did Hirugami confess to Hinata? Maybe I should ask him for advice.

Hoshiumi walked off looking for his friend to ask for advice. Hoshiumi looked at the kitchen, finally finding him there.

Hoshiumi: Hey Hirugami! Could I ask you about something?

Hirugami: Sure what is it?

Hoshiumi: Well your in a relationship with Hinata right?

Hirugami: Yeah. Wait your asking me because you want to confess right?

Hoshiumi: Wait how did you know?

Hirugami: your like an open book.

Hoshiumi: Yeah, I guess I am. So how do I confess? You got any ideas?

Hirugami: You can text him, you can call for him. Just say you like him and you would like to date him.

Hoshiumi: Are you sure?

Hirugami: Yes I'm sure.

Hoshiumi thanked his friend walking back to the living room where Hinata was busy cuddling with Aran, Kita, Oikawa and Suna. Hoshiumi entered the living room only to find Oikawa and Hinata reading a book together while the three were sleeping, heads on his lap. Gathering his courage he called out to him.

Hoshiumi: Hey? Hinata, could I talk to you for a while?

Hinata: Sure.

Looking at Oikawa Hinata said.

Hinata: My Queen? You stay here okay? I'll be back.

Oikawa: Come back quick.

Hinata nodded, walking out of the dorm.

Hinata: So what is it, Hoshiumi-san?

Hoshiumi: W-well you see.... I have a crush on you (>////<)

Hinata: Well then.. Would you Hoshiumi do me the favour of allowing me to date him?

Hoshiumi: I would love too !

Giving Hoshiumi a kiss on the lips they went back in, only to find Akaashi,Bokuto,Sakusa and the twins awake.

Hinata: Hey I'm back. Did I miss anything?

Akaashi and Bokuto ran towards him. Hinata patted their head assuming they still feel clingy, not that he mind. Taking the two on back to the living room, only to be tackled by a hug from the other four.

Sakusa: Cuddle?🥺

Hinata: Sure we can.

Cuddling with his six clingy babies, Hoshiumi hugging his back. They watched to tv until 12.30. Half an hour before their practice match starts. Hinata got the seven he was cuddling with to get ready for lunch first before the practice match started. While the seven got ready Hinata got the lunch ready. Making simple sandwiches and fruit bowls for the players. After washing his hands, wiping them dry. Hinata went up to wake the rest up.

Picking up Shirabu,Goshiki and Semi first. Patting their cheeks softly, waking them up. Getting the three ready for their afternoon practice match. Waking up Ushijima and Tendo up, giving soft kisses on their faces. "So beautiful" Hinata thought. Getting the two ready as well, Hinata brought them down to the dinner table.

Sakusa tagged on Hinata's shirt asking if he should get ready.

Hinata: Yeah you can get ready baby, I'll be ready in a second.

Sakusa: Okay Be quick tho 👉👈

Hinata: Alright.

As Sakusa went up to their room to get ready, Hinata got lunch ready for the rest of the players as usual. Kita wanted Hinata to feed him.

Kita: Dear...🥺

Hinata: Ohhh I'm soo sorry baby. I'm going on a date with Sakusa right now.

Kita: Then can you feed me during dinner? 🥺 😣

Hinata: Of course I can baby.😘 I'll see you all later during practice.

Giving his lovers all a kiss before getting ready himself. Quickly getting a simple outfit on he went to met Sakusa in the parking lot.

Sakusa was wearing Hinata's white Button up dress shirt with his black pants. Hinata was wearing a simple black dress shirt with black pants, chains attached to them. Quickly grabbing his small gift he had prepared for their date. Placing them into his pockets he went out of the room. They got into the car and drove off. They were in the park having a small picnic. While eating their lunch a few girls were coming up to Hinata asking if they could take a pick with him. Most of the girls were fangirls of his while some were trying to get his number. Sakusa was getting jealous due to the skin to skin contact between Hinata and the girls. So as their picnic went on Sakuda was sitting on his lap. Sakusa lowered his mask to let Hinata feed him. And a few kisses here and there.

It was the perfect mood at that very moment. Hinata thought it was a perfect time to give the gift he got for him and the rest.

Hinata: Baby? Could you close your eyes for me?

Sakusa: Ahh okay.

Closing his eyes, Hinata placed the necklace and ring on to his ring finger. Sakusa felt something metal and cold coming into contact with his skin.

Hinata: Baby? Open your eyes

Opening his eyes Sakusa saw a necklace on his neck with his and Hinata's initial Ingrave into it. Looking at his fingers he saw the ring placed on his ring finger. Sakusa looked up at Hinata with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Hinata: Sakusa would like to marry when we get older?

Sakusa: Of course I would!

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