Day 9 Of Training Camp

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Hinata's target Tendo

Everybody but Hinata: We are going to fmdo what?!

The coaches decided to allow their players to relax and try something new. The player nor coachs knew what Hinata did during the summer break, only knowing that he got taller and his skills were better. Getting everything they needed like their phones, jackets, some money to buy snacks. They saw Hinata coming to then with a beg.

Noya: What's in the beg?

Hinata: Nothing much. You will see when we get there.

Confused they stayed silent, boarding the bus that arrived. The bus raid was chaotic, Tanaka and Nishinoya making trouble, Daich and Sugawara scolding them, Yaku yelling at Lev for disterbing him, Kenma hitting Kuroo's back for switching his phone off purposly. After a good 45 min ride they boarded off the bus looking at the big building infront of them.

Tanaka: We should explore!

Before Daich or Sugawara could tell him off, they were interrupted by Hinata speaking.

Hinata: There's no need to Senpais there's only a ice skating rank inside with a few vending machines.

Hinata said while looking at his phone. Earbuds placed back into his ears. Curious Oikawa tapped his shoulder.

Oikawa: What are you doing there my king?

Hinata: Ohh nothing much my queen. Want to hear a bit of it?

Oikawa nodded eagerly placing one of Hinata's earbud into his ears. Half way into the music, Hinata puases the music. Hinata smile saying "You'll heard the rest soon". Walking in with Oikawa holding his hand. Despite not having much they were amazed at the place. Everybody went to rent out a pair of skates while Hinata took out a speaker he brought, conneting to his phone.

Ushijima: Are you not going to rent the skates for yourself?

Hinata: I brought my own.😊

Taking out his skates, putting them on with ease. Walking towards the ice rank Hinata goes in.

Hinata: Hey Ushijima! Babyboy, could you give me my phone?

Ushijima gave Hinata's phone, unlocking it Hinata gives it back to Ushijima.

Hinata: Play this when I say turn it on. Okay?

Ushijima nodded waited for Hinata to give the signal. Hinata nodded at Ushijima giving him the signal. Suddenly music played. Bring the attention of the players towards Hinata. They watched as Hinata moves so gracefully along the ice, doing jumps here and there. Soon the music came to an end. Coming back to the entrance, questions were spreading like wild fire at him.

Hinata: Hey calm down. I only have 1 pair for ears.

Akaashi: Love, we didn't know you could ice skate.

Hinata: Oh yeah I only started during the summer break. You know to improve my flexibility.

Noya: Are you sure?! You looked like a pro!

Hinata: Hmm sure if you want to see it that way.

Ukai: Thia is only the first of the many activities the rest of the coachs and I have plan for you. So be prepared for the next one.

Soon it was already 10.30 am. Everybody broading the bus for the next activite. Soon they saw a field full for targets. They were told that were going to do archery.

Archery super viser: Hinata?! Is that you?!

Hinata: It is👋. It' s nice to see you again.

Everybody was now trying aiming for the bulls eye. With the help of Hinata despite the help, they were still trying. Suddenly the adviser spoke.

Archery super viser: I got a challeng for you. I want you to hit every bulls eye. If you can hit 40 targets I'll give you 500¥ for ever target you hit with a bulls eye.

Hinata: Then say bye-bye to your money. Cause 2000¥ is mine.

While the teams that were trying to aim for the red target in the middle watched Hinata hit the red dot on the targets with ease. Eyes wide open. Watching him hit them, making it look so effortless.

Hinata: Well pay up.

Adviser: I can never win a bet on you can I?

Hinata: Nope. You brought this upon yourself.

Tendo: Hey Hinata! Could you help me?

Jogging towards Tendo Hinata asked " Well what do you need help with? "

Tendo: With this aiming thing.

Tendo's pov

Shit... shit. His behine me!! His putting his hands on top of mine!! Ahhh! His helping me! Well its now or never

Back to 3rd person pov

With a sudden movement Tendo kissed Hinata's lip. Despite the shock Hinafa kissed back taking control. " Ah~" came out of Tendo's mouth.

Hinata: You, Semi and I are going shopping together tmr.

Tendo: Ehh? What for?

Hinata: We have to get matching clothes. Maybe a skirt for you and Semi? Kita and Oikawa got skirts and they look beautiful. I mean you don't have to get skirts of course. You can got use pants too.

Tendo: Hmm I think I'll try the skirt option. I always wanted to know what I would look like with a skirt on.

Suddenly Tendo lifted his arms saying " Up! Up!" Being to adoriable Hinata gave in, carrying Tendo and Oikawa on his left arm, while Kita was holding his free hand. Suna on his back to tired to do anything. The coaches saw that the players were tired, seeing that they had eye begs forming under their eyes. They decided to contiuen the activites another day. The players sleeping already on the bus. Oikawa, Bokuto,Kita and Tendo sitting on Hinata's lap resting their heads on his chest. The twins reating their heads on his shoulder. Ushijima and Akaashi sitting infront of them, Goshiki, Lev and Yaku sitting on left side of them and Kenma and Kuroo at the back. Kenma resting his chin on Hinata's head. Going back into the dorms, Hinata carried his lovers into his room. Changing them into his T- shirts and hoddies. Setting a alarm, so that he could make them lunch. Grabing a few blankets placing them on to his sleeping lovers, cuddling inbetween them. Giving small kisses on their forehead.

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