afternoon of day 6

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Hinata's target in the afternoon Bokuto and Kuroo.

While Suna and Aran places the plates on the table Hinata went to wake Oikawa up for lunch. Upon walking though the door of the room he found the twins laying there as well resting. Found Kita sitting on a chair next to thebbed reading one of his many finished books he has ready before.

Hinata: Hey Darling. You enjoy ready my books?

Kita: Oh.. I didn't hear you come in Hinata.

Hinata: Please call be Shoyo or Sho. I came here to wake Oikawa for lunch but looks like I'm waking the twins up too.

Hinata shook the twins and Oikawa gently. Oikawa made graby hands along with the twins. Hinata just carried them not wanting them to start crying mostly Oikawa. Kita took a wet towel to wipe the twins and Oikawa's face to wake them up. On the table with Oikawa sitting on Hinata's lap gettting fed, the twins talking to Hinata about their day, Kita helping Hinata get thing seeing he can't put Oikawa down. Suna taking pictures of Hinata sharing them with Aran.

After lunch.....

They were at the gym karasuno getting ready to play against Aoba Johsai. Giving Oikawa a pat on the head to motivite him. Suddenly the doors of the gym flung open scaring the players inside. It was just Hinata's fangirls.

Hinata: Ohh what are you beautiful ladies doing here?

Fangirls : We wanted to watch your practice match Hinata- kun.

Hinata nodded at them before giving them a seductive smile. Giving the girls a few nose bleed. Jealous Oikawa ran towards Hinata hugging him. Hinata gave a kiss on Oikawa's forehead wispering " Nobody is stealing me okay?" (Btw the fangirls did not see that they fainted.) Soon the fangirls woke up and the match started. Karasuno starting off. Kageyama giving the first sever , the libra saving the ball passing it towards Oikawa who tossed it towards Iwazumi. Tanaka,Hinata and Tsukishima did a 3 man block, reflecting the attack. Oikawa sever this time doing the hardest sever he could. Seeing what Oikawa was trying to do when the ball was sever Hinata went infront of Nishinoya and tosses the ball.

Hinata: Kageyama!

Kageyama spiked the ball as soon as he heard his name. The attack left a huge mark on the floor. Soon everyone saw a new quick that was perform by the two strongest and genius players of Karasuno's on the court.

Kageyama: BokeHinataBoke!!! What was that?!

Everybody: Huh?! He didn't know too?!

Hinata: I wanted to try something new.

Hinata shugged his shoulder. It reminded the rest of the players when Ushijima spiked it.

Fangirls: Wow Hinata-kun!! You tossed it soo fast! Bet the other players would break their arms if they were to safe that!

Hinata: Hmm nah . That would not break their arm😅. Maybe if I were to spike it like this.

Hinata grabed a ball and spiked it cracking the wall sightly.

Hinata: Ohhh... Might have to fix that. Anyway that was only 25%. That my best, but I don't want to break anybodys arms now do I? Plus I don't wanna hurt my lovers, soon to be my wifes.

Kita, the twins, Suna,Aran and Ushijima blushed at the thought of marrige.

With that they contiuened playing, 7 sets in total. The fangirls waving goodbye saying " See you back in school Hinata-kun". As the cleaned up the court, Nishinoya spoke up.

Noya: You guys want to play a game of truth or dare?

They responded with a " sure why not" or " sure I guess we got nothing to do"

With that they went back to the dorms cleaning up get themselfs comfortable in the living room. Hinata surrounded by his lovers Oikawa and Kita on his lap, Atsumu and his left, Osamu on the right, Suna sitting on the couch with Aran and Ushijima behinde him.

Noya: So who wants to start first?

Hinata: I'll go first i guess? Bokuto truth or dare?

Bokuto: Ahh truth...

Kuroo: Pussy😝

Bokuto: No I'm not😡

Hinata: Okay then hmm... Do you have a crush? If they are in here who are they?

Bokuto: Ahh his here in the room.

Hinata: You gmdon't want to answer the second one?

Bokuto nodded. Hinata nodded understanding.

Bokuto: Kuroo, truth or dare?

Kuroo: Dare I'm not a pussy.😝

Bokuto: 😤 Fine! I dare you to kiss your crush!

Kuroo: 😅 Another dare?

Bokuto: No! You said you aren't a pussy right. Go on kiss your crush! I know his in this room too.

Kuroo: Fine! Hey ahh Hinata.

Hinata: Yes Kuroo wha---

Hinata was interuped by Kuroo kissing his lips.

Hinata: Now now Kuroo. That's not hiw you kiss your crush.

Hinata got up gently placing Kita and Oikawa on the floor. Pining Kuroo on the wall.

Kuroo: W-wait! Hina- ngh

Hinata kissed Kuroo passionately, Tongues fighting for dominace. Kuroo losing to Hinata giving a small moan.

Hinata : That's how you do it. Silly. Btw I like you too MY silly kitty.😉😘

Kuroo could only blush after what happen. Hinata walked back towards his other lovers who were looking at him with shock. Putting Kita and Oikawa back on his lap the game contiuen, with some getting revenge on each other.

At night.....

Hinata was getting ready for bed with his lovers some changed into hus hoodies while some on the bed calming their spot. As Hinata was getting ready he got a message from Bokuto saying to meet him outside. Hinata told Kuroo that he was going out side for abit, and to call him if Oikawa or the twins starts to cry. With that Hinata went out to meet Bokuto.

Hinata: So what is it Bokuto?

Bokuto: Ahh well ahh well about you second question, Ahh My crush i- is you👉👈😔

Hinata could see Bokuto' s hair going down and his expression saddening. Hinata quickly carried Bokuto and kissed him passionately. Bokuto's eyes starts to tear up.

Bokuto: W- wait you like me too?

Hinata: Of Course I would😘😊 your such a baby and your just you, I love you Bokuto. Well would you like to be mine?

Bokuto nodded in excitment hugging Hinata back happily. Hinata carried a half awake baby owl on his shoulder with Kuroo half a sleep on the bed waiting for Hinata. He led on the bed with Bokuto and Kuroo hugging him with Oikawa and the twins.

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