day 20 ( day 2)

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3rd person pov

It was 7 in the morning, Hinata could be seen in the gym of his house. Working on his last set of sit-ups. On the wall you could see his little schedule he has on the wall for pacific days. Finishing his last workout for the day, he went to take a shower to remove all that sweat from him. Going down the staircase, Hinata bumped into Goshiki.

Hinata's pov

"Good morning Georgous. " I greeted Goshiki with a soft smile.

" Morning Love" he greeted back, returning with the same smile back.

" Where are you going early morning baby? "

" Well I was l-looking for the dinning Hall. Y-you know... To maybe cook you something for breakfast. 👉👈"

" Alright then love I'll let you cook today's breakfast before we go out to meet your parents. "

" Alright. C-could you maybe carry me down with you? "

" Of course baby"

' He truly is gorgeous, like an angle sent from above. I'm truly lucky to have such an amazing yet beautiful person in my life.'

During the time they were going towards the dining hall, Goshiki had place his face into Hinata's neck significantly showing how much he missed him. Effectively making Hinata pamper him with kisses.

In the kitchen , Goshiki was making his dish for Hinata to try as he hoped that he would like one of his parents  recipe. Once finished he took out a fork and held it infront of Hinata. Pushing the fork towards Hinata while looking down nervously, waiting patiently for Hinata to take the fork. Feeling movement in his hand holding the fork he saw Hinata taking a bite. Watching with hopeful eyes that he would like it, he was taken aback when Hinata smiled.

" Its perfect love "

Goshiki heart fluttered allover again.

" Y-you like it? "

" Yes I do dollface. It's rich in favours and it's displayed nicely too."

Burying his face into Hinata's chest, Hinata responded with a kiss. Setting the table with the dish on the table. Hinata went to wake the rest up.

Going up the stairs Hinata spotted Shirabu and Semi coming out of their rooms. Going towards them Hinata placed a Goodmorning kiss on their dimple. Guiding them towards the stairs towards the dinning Hall he went back to wake up Tendo and Ushijima. Walking into Tendo's room he found him awake.

" Good morning love... Ready to have breakfast? "

" Daddy! "

Getting out of bed as fast as he could, he immediately hugged Hinata's waist as soon as he made contact.

" I'll take that as a 'yes' then.."

Chuckling as he carried Tendo in his arms as he patted his head. They walked towards Ushijima's room as he was just waking up.

" Good morning Ushi'.. "

" Good morning Sho' "

Finally at the dinning Hall they ate a peaceful breakfast.

" Goshiki are you ready to meet your parents? "

" Yes! "

" Then let's go after that we'll meet ... tmr "

Getting into the car Goshiki and Hinata drove off to meet with Goshiki's parents.

47 minutes later, they finally arrived at Goshiki's parents place. Knocking on the door, they were meet with Goshiki's mother.

" Please coming in². "

" Thank you Ma'am "

" Please dear call me [•••] "

Sitting down on the couch Hinata sat down as Goshiki sat closely beside him.

" So this is the boy you were taking about son? "

" Yes papa "

" Ahh before we continue with anything I brought you a gift. "

Hinata handed a beg as he passed it to [•••].

" Aww thank you dear~ "

" I hope its to your liking "

" So tell me boy how did you met? "

" Ahh let's see...."


" Do you have any pass relationships? "

" Hmm no, But I am dating a number of people."

" Ahh I see ... As long as you don't forget little Goshiki here I don't mind..."

" Of course I wouldn't... There is something I would like to ask.."

" Ohh what is boy? "

" I know this is a little early but I would like to have your permission to marry Goshiki here "

Both of Goshiki's parents turned to look at each other as they looked back at the two. Goshiki looked back at Hinata with glossy eyes as he stared at Hinata.

" I know its early but I wish to know that at least I have permission to not only date your son but to also marry him in the future..."

" I think your in cabled hands now Goshiki... "

" You have our fullest support to marry little Goshiki here, Dear..."

" Thank you [•••] "

" Well its best if we go back now its getting dark "

" Ahh yes... well best you hurry before it gets to dark now."

Waving back as they got in the car and drove off. During the ride home Goshiki asked...

" A-are you sure..."

" As sure I am when I said I want nothing more then to marry you and the rest..."

Goshiki smiled as he drifted off to sleep as they drove in a peaceful silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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