day 13 of training camp

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Hinata's target is Iwazumi.

It was 9.30 in the morning and Hinata was getting ready to take Semi, Tendo and Sakusa to buy some outfits. The three got down to see Hinata getting ready. Sakusa went towards him and hugged Hinata.

Sakusa: Are you going for another meeting?🥺

Hinata: Ohh no. I'm not going to any meetings today. We are going to go and buy to outfits.

Semi: Ohh today? Then I guess we should quickly get ready then huh?

Hinata: Go. I'll wait for you guys here.

The three went back up to get ready. As they going up they saw the twins , Kita , Ushijima , Tendo , Oikawa and Goshiki going down. The 7 went down to see that Hinata was sitting on the couch. Goshiki towards him and sat on his lap.

Hinata: Ohh. Goodmorning princess.

Goshiki: Goodmorning love.

Hinata: Do you guys want to go on a date soon? Like individual dates. Just you and me alone on a date.

Tendo: We would love that.

Hinata gave a kiss on Tendo's lips as he walked towards the twins and Oikawa. Petting their heads he whispered " Don't worry okay? Ill be going out with Semi, Tendo and Sakusa. Okay? Just call me if something happens." The twins nodded as place their heads onto Hinata's chest. Oikawa looked at Hinata.

Oikawa: We still going to buy those wigs right?

Hinata: Yes we still are my queen. I'll call you and Kita to get ready in the afternoon.

Pecking a kiss on their fore heads he walked towards the door with Tendo in his hands. Sakusa and Semi walking towards them. They got into a car and drove off. Sakusa on Hinata's lap. Semi sleeping on Hinata's  shoulder. Tendo talking to Hinata as Sakusa lieing his head on Hinata's chest. After 50 minutes they arrived at one of the many branded stores Hinata own. Hinata carring Sakusa on his left hand while his right hand held Semi's hand. Tendo was busy looking at the shelfs.

Tendo: Are we really buying the clothes here?!

Hinata: Yes we are my sweetheart.

Sakusa: Ohh okay. Can we continue cuddling while looking for the clothes?

Hinata: Of course we can my baby.

Cuddling more into his chest Sakusa nodded. Semi was just looking the the clothes until he found what he wanted.

Semi: Hey babe? Can I get that light purple sweater? And that white skirt?

Hinata: I see you found something you like. Sure you can Semi-baby.

While Semi went to the changing room. Sakusa and Tendo found something they liked.

Sakusa: Can I get the black sweater? And that black and white skirt?

Tendo: Can I get that red sweater? And maybe a white skirt?

Hinata: Of course babys. Once we pay for them we can get the wigs.

As the three came out of the changing room, they saw a girl fitting with Hinata.

Random girl: Soo do you want to go out for coffee tmr?

Hinata: No thank you ma'am. 😅. I already have lovers that I love dearly.

Random: I'm sure I can do better then any of them .

Before Hinata could say something he was interrupted by Semi.

Semi: Sorry girl but his ours.😤😠.

Sakusa and Tendo sat on Hinata's lap, to which Hinata gave them a kiss. The random girl just huffed away in anger. Semi looked back at Hinata and smiled.

Semi: So what do you think?

The three stood up and faces Hinata.

Hinata: They look amazing! Sakusa, baby you can use one of my white dress shirt. It would complete the hold look.

Giving them a kiss before they went back to change. They went to a store that sells really good quality wigs for under 20. They brought the wigs along with Oikawa,Kita. Hinata was not sure if the twins wanted them so he brought them too.  Going back to the dorms it was already 1pm. They open the entrance only to find the rest of Hinata's lovers in the living room wait for him. The twins and Oikawa hugged Hinata as he place the begs on the table.

Oikawa: Did you get the wigs?!

Atsumu: Wait you went and brought wigs too?! We wanted them too.

Hinata: Lucky I brought for you baby twins too then. Hmm why don't you go and change into your outfits and then I can help you guys put the wig on.

Kita: I thought you wanted to save the outfits when we go on a date?

Hinata: Nvm that. I want to see it now.

The rest got their outfits on. Aran and Suna just stayed on the couch.  While Hinata helped Sakusa to button the buttons on the dress shirt. Sakusa was the first to get the outfit on. Hinata was now helping him get the wig on. This was what Sakusa looked like.

 This was what Sakusa looked like

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(You guys can search the rest up.)

After their little fashion show. They changed back into their sports clothes getting ready for their afternoon practice. Hinaya phone started ringing. Iwazumi was calling him.

Iwazumi: Hey could I met you? At the back of the gym before practice startes?

Hinata: Sure I'll met you now.

Looking at his lovers he told them that they should get going. Carring Oikawa, Kita and Bokuto in his arms they walked to the gym. At the gym...

Hinata: Hey I need to met Iwazumi. I'll come back soon.

Giving a pecking on their lips, he walked towards the back of the gym. He saw what seems like Iwazumi rehearsing something to himself. Hinata decided to speak.

Hinata: Hey? What did you want to talk about?

Iwazumi: O-oh ahh I wanted to confess that I like you alot more then a friend.

With a quick movement Hinata pecked Iwazumi's lips.

Hinata: I love you too. Come afternoon practice is starting soon, MY baby.

Blushing hard, not giving a sign that he was going to move. Hinata picked up Iwazumi princess style. Walking back inside of the gym, his lovers knew what happen already.

To be continued

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