Day 17 night

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Target Kageyama

Sakusa was hugging Hinata tightly after Hinata proposed to him. He could not wait to show the ring off. Sakusa was on Hinata's back as they walked towards the parking lot. Placing Sakusa in the passenger sit, Hinata got into the drivers sit and drove the car back to the training camp. While driving Sakusa was still being clingy, with his free hand. Hinata patted his head lovingly. Sakusa cooed at the touch. Hinata lowered his mask as they drove off. Placing his free hand on Sakusa's thigh. Loving the feeling of his hand on his thigh, he placed his hand over Hinata's.

( Hinata called coach that he and Sakusa was not attending afternoon Practice today. )

Once they got to the parking lot, Hinata placed back his mask over his mouth carrying Sakusa in his arms. Walking towards the entrance of the dorm, he knocked once. The door opened revealing the twins. Letting him enter the dorm and placed Sakusa down before tackling him into a hug.

Osamu: We missed you!

Hinata: I missed you baby foxs too. What did you do while I was gone? 😊

Atsumu: Ohh while you were gone on your date, me and Osamu went and drew you a picture!😆😁

Hinata: Ohhh really?

Osamu: Yeah! We did! Can we show you later?🥺

Hinata: Of course you can baby fox. Did you get ready for bed already?

The twins nodded as they dragged him to the couch where the rest are.

Tendo: Hey! How was the date?

Hinata: It went while my cute baby monster. I proposed to Sakusa and other stuff.

Oiwaka: No fair! You propose to him first?! I was your first boyfriend!

Hinata: Don't worry my queen I'll purpose to you soon. I promise.

Oikawa: You better!

Hinata: Of course my queen. I'll make sure after the proposal, I'll make sure the rest of the date would be steamy.

Oikawa face was a bright red, at the mention of his statement.

Sakusa came down when he heard Hinata talking about when he propose to him at their date. He went down and showed them his ring that he propose with. Ofc course this cause a ear full of whining from the twins, Oikawa, Goshiki, Semi, Akaashi and Bokuto. Hinata promised them he would propose to them as well once the time was right.

Hinata: Once we get official engaged 💍 , I am yours permanently. And your mine permanently as well.

Kita: Can't wait until that day comes 😊☺

After a bit more of their conversation, Hinata gets his lovers ready for bed. Tucking them to bed. Akaashi, Bokuto and the twins were still up. The twins wanted to show him their drawings before they went to bed.

Hinata: You can show me your drawings tomorrow morning okay?

Atsumu: You wake us up first?🥺 👉 👈

Hinata: Alright baby fox.

Osamu: Alright Sho-kun! Goodnight!

Hinata: Goodnight baby foxs. Have a good sleep.

Patting the twins head as they feel a sleep. Looking back at his two clingy baby owls, he patted their heads to calm them down. They were clingy hard though. Rocking them side to side to get them to sleep or at least drowsy. Slowly the two fell a sleep. Hugging him. Closing his eyes, allowing the sleepy feeling g to take over.

After 4 hours Hinata woke up. It was only 4 am. Hinata got up and stretch. Careful not to wake any of his lovers from their dreamland. He decides to go to the rooftop with his book to read under the star light.

When he got there though, he found Kageyama looking at the stars on the rooftop. Sitting next to him Hinata asked.

Hinata: Hey Kageyama. What are you doing up so early?

Kageyama: Ohh I'm just looking at the stars, could not sleep. What about you?

Hinata: Ohh I just woke up. I was planing to read a book under the star light.

Kageyama: Could I join you?

Hinata: Sure. Get closer.

Moving slightly closer to him, he and Hinata read the book together. They finished the book 40 mins later. Bored they open tiktok up. Watch the chess of truth.

The guy threw the chess and it showed. "The person next to you has a crush on you!"

Kageyama look away from Hinata. Blushing hard from embarrassment that a freaking video exposed him. Chucking Hinata gave a kiss on Kageyama's forehead. Saying "I love you too" Hearing this Kageyama intertwine their hands together. Cuddling closer to him. They cuddle for a bit before Hinata heard a soft snore. Looking down he saw Kageyama sleeping in his arms, tugging on his hoodie.

Getting up with Kageyama on his waist, he brought them down. While walking past the kitchen Kageyama woke up.

" Milk" a soft statement heard from Kageyama. Walking to the kitchen, Hinata open a packet of milk for him. Drinking the milk from the plastic straw provided. His head on Hinata's chest, his hands on his shirt tugging closely to his own body. His legs were wrapped around Hinata's waist. Clingy on to his body like a leech when they found a new victim. Patting Kageyama's back, throwing the packet of milk away.

Staying in the same position until he was a sleepfully. Rocking side to side, cradling him on his waist, wispering soft " I love you " here and there. After a good 45 min he brought him back to his own room since he knows that Oikawa and him are going to have a fist fight first thing in the morning.

Plus he wanted Kageyama to rest for the morning. He does not want a grumpy milk addicted clingy on too him, ready to attack anybody that dares to come in a 12 meter radios between him and Hinata. He also does not want his queen and baby queen here to fight for his attention.

Maybe he can discuss this issue with them after he informs the rest of his lovers.

Placing Kageyama on his bed, Hinata tucked him to bed and left quietly. Closing the door. Walking back to his room he got back to bed and continued sleeping for the rest of the morning.

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