Day 18 of traning camp

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Target: Asahi

Waking up by his alarm, Hinata got ready for the day. Putting on his sports clothes. Going back to the bed, Hinata woke up the twins as promised. The twins woke up quietly as they rubbed their eyes. Once their eyes were adjusted to the light in the room, the twins saw Hinata standing there. Giving him a hug.

Hinata: Don't you have a drawing you wanted to show me yesterday?

Osamu: Right! Tsumu! Where are the drawings?

Hinata: Baby fox keep quiet 🤫. The rest are still a sleep.

Osamu: Right. Sorry 😞

Hinata: It's alright.

Atsumu: I found it. Look look.

Looking at their drawings, Hinata cooed at it. It was them and him on the drawing on their 2nd date. Looking back at the two, he placed a kiss on their foreheads.

Hinata: This is adorable, baby foxs.

They hugged Hinata lovingly. Feeling his warmth. Hinata pushed them to the restrooms that were in the room. Getting the two to bath.

Waking up the rest, he went to wake the rest that did not sleep with him in the room. Waking up Aone and Kanji. Then waking to Hirugami and Hoshiumi room. Waking them up gently. Walking out of the room he went to Kyotani. Walking him up gently with small little kisses plastering his face. Once he was awake he went to Kageyama's room. Shaking him to wake up. Kageyama groan. Hinata sigh. Wispering in his ear, " I'll let you cuddle on my back while I make breakfast. " Kageyama eyes went wide as he rushed to the restrooms. Chuckling, he went out. While walking to the kitchen he pasted by Asahi's room. Thinking " I might as will wake him up right? " walking in to the room he tried waking up Asahi. But all of a sudden he pulled him onto the bed. Cuddling into his chest. Looked at Asahi as he cuddled into his chest. Hearing small faint sounds coming from him. He heard Asahi sleep talk, saying " I love you Hinata. "

Kissing Asahi's forehead. Hinata accidentally woke him up. Asahi was blushing a deep red. Getting up quickly.

Asahi: When d-did you get here?

Hinata: I came to wake you up but you pulled me into your bed.

Asahi: O-Oh I'm soo sorry.

Hinata: It's alright Asahi- san.

Walking out of the room, he left Asahi in a blushing mess.

Pov Asahi ...

Oh no! Did I say anything weird? Did he found out that I'm developing feelings for him too?! I mean the third years are... but what if he thinks I'm weird?! Maybe I should just confess to him. Then at least I don't have to live with the feeling he might never want to talk to me again.

3rd person pov

Walking out of Asahi's room, Hinata chuckled at the sudden confession. Arriving at the kitchen, he got out the ingredients for today's breakfast. As he was cooking Hinata suddenly felt some weight on his back. Turning the fire to the lowest, he turned back to see Kageyama. Smiling gently he gave him a kiss on the lips. Receiving a small smile in return. Turning back to the food that he was making.

Hinata: Good morning kage.

Kageyama: Morning.

Hinata: Still tired from last night?

Hinata got a small nodded from Kageyama as he rested his head on Hinata's shoulder.

Soon everybody was at the table. Eating peacefully. Though Oikawa was pouting since Hinata was giving Kageyama taking his attention from him. Placing the plates in the sink. They got ready to go to the gym. While on the way there, Akaashi and Bokuto were still clingy, clinging on to him. Kageyama and Oikawa was being carried by Hinata on one hand. Lev and Yaku were arguing before being stopped by Hinata. Kenma was playing his game. Kita was walking while holding Hinata's hand. Suna was taking pictures on Hinata planing to post them on the internet to 'show off his boyfriend. Aran was just observing Suna's pictures that he took, offering some of his that he took as well.

Finally at the gym, the coachs instructed them to get to their team. Giving a small loving kiss on their forehead before going with Kageyama to their team. The rest of the lovers just looked at the two with envy , mostly at kageyama. Tsukishima seeing Kageyama getting carried made him envy him but his pride would never allow him to admit.

Tsukishima: Oh what's this? The king is being babyed by his lover? How cute.

Normally Kageyama would lash out at a comment like that. But since Hinata was still carrying him while patting his back, he felt calmer.

Kageyama: And? So what if I'm being babyed by my lover? At least I have one.

Burying his head into Hinata's neck. Missing the warmth. Holding him tighter, they listen to their coach discuss about their plan for today's match.

Coach Ukai: For the first match we are going to play with Nekoma. Any ideas what to do?

Hinata: Hmm we could let the third years play the first 1 and a half first. Then bring me and Kageyama in. While you guys play first I'll observe our oppent.

Coach Ukai: Everybody good with the plan?

Karasuno: Hai!

Sugarwara:Wait! But my tosses aren't as amazing as Kageyama's.

Hinata: It's alright Sugarwara-san. Just try your best to hold it together long enough for me to create a strategy to gain any points that we have lost.

Sugawara: Hai!

Hinata: Do your best Asahi - san!

Asahi: H-Hai.

Hinata: I know this is sudden but can we also take Tsukishima and Yamaguchi out for the first round and a half?

Coach Ukai: And what for?

Hinata: To let Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita play first. They don't often get to play in our official matchs.

Narita: Hinata its alright 😅. Really.

Hinata: I can't just ignore you guys. Your apart of the team.

Giving a kiss on their cheek. Before standing back like how he was, as if nothing happen. The three had a crimson red decorating their faces.

The rest of the teams sat down as the 6 went to play first. Switching when ever they seem to be getting tired. Asahi was being switch with Tanaka to rest first. Taking the opportunity Asahi called out.

Asahi: H-Hey Hinata? Could I talk to you really quick?

Hinata: Sure Asahi - san

They went to the bleachers far from everybody else but still being able to see the match.

Hinata: So what is it Asahi?

Asahi: Ahh Well about the thing in the morning, I w-wanted to t-tell you that I-I love you.

Hinata: I love you Asahi 😊. Well lets go back the first round has just ended.

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