day 6 Of Training camp

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Hinata's target Suna & Aran (Cause why not. Plus I don't see any aran x hinata so why not)* Don't like just skip this*

Kita, the twins, Suna and Aran decided to go to the gym to warm up before they went to eat breakfast. Upon reaching there they realised that somebody else was there already. They took a peak inside and saw Hinata shirtless doing push ups.

Miya Twins: Sho-kun!!

The twins ran towards Hinata as soon as he got up to look at them.

Hinata: My baby twin foxes! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping some more?

Osamu: We woke up early and we invited Kita, Suna and Aran to do warm ups before eating breakfast!

Osamu said as he hugged his taller lover. Looking up at him with his twin wanting a kiss. Hinata gave in seeing as they were so adoriable.Hinata relased them to look at Kita who was walking towards him with Suna and Aran.

Hinata: Good morning Darling😄. How was your morning?

Kita: It was fine, better that I'm with you now.

Hugging Kita Hinata asked...

Hinata : Goodmorning Suna, Aran👋😄. How was your morning too?

Aran: It was fine.

Suna: It would be better it the twins didn't walk me up.

The twins hugged Hinata harder whimperinga soft one. Dissapointed. Hinata hugged them saying" We can play a bit of volleyball if you want." The twins nodded and pulled Hinata towards net. They were going to 3 vs 3 seiing as there was 6 of them. Hinata would be with the twins, while Kita, Suna and Aran would be one team. Hinata and Kita played a short game of Rock, paper, scissors to see which team gets to go first. Kita won, Hinata gave him the ball ans went to his side of the net.

Hinata: Wait wouldn't it not be fair if Atsumu and I are on the same team? He and I can toss. Hmmm, nvm I will switch with Suna so that both teams have a setter.

Miya twins: But You can't do that! Your an allrounder!

Hinata patted that twins heads signaling it will be alright. With that the game started with now Suna with the twins on one team and Kita ,Hinata and Aran on one. Kita did a jump sever. Osamu saved the ball and passes the ball towards his twin. Atsumu tosses the ball towrads Suna. When Hinata saw this Hinata quickly waited until Suna hand touched the ball to jump. Making Suna spike reflect back. Earning Hinata's team a point. This contiuened until 7am. They played for an hour. Hinata and Aran helped Kita to clean the gym before going back to the dorms to eat breakfast.( They ended the game with 34 on the twins and Suna team, while 35 on Hinata, Kita and Aran.) They went back to the dorms cleaning themself before going into the kitchen to eat the food Hinata had prepared already. Oikawa cane into the kitchen as soon as he saw Hinata.

Hinata: Hey what's wrong wrong my queen? Don't cry😟.

Hinata carried Oikawa towards the living room so that they could talk in privite.

Oikawa: W-Where d-did you g-go?

Oikawa tried his best to speak though his tears.

Hinata: I was at the gym my queen.

Oikawa: I t-thought y-you l-left me!

Oikawa hugged Hinata tightly not wanting Hinata to leave him. Hinata wiped Oikawa's tears gently with his finger.

Hinata: Did you have a nightmare again while I was at the gym?

Oikawa only nodded placing his head into Hinata's chest, wanting him to stay with him for the day. Hinata whispered into Oikawa's ear " You want yo stay with me for the rest of the day?" Oikawa again replied with a nod. With that Hinata went on feeding Oikawa his breakfast, helping him get dressed cause Oikawa refuses to him leave the room. Hinata and Oikawa were sitting on the bleachers watching Inrizaki vs Date Teach match. Oikawa was on Hinata's lap, cuddling with him as they watched the match. Soon the whistle blow meaning the players were going to rest for at least 5 mins. Suddenly Suna and Aran approached them.

Suna: Hey Hinata? Could we talk to you for a second?

Hinata: Sure. Just give me amountment. Meet me at the back of the gym then.

The two nodded and walked towards the back of the gym. Hinata looked back at Oikawa who was looking at him pleading him not to leave him. Hinata took out his hoody and placed it over Oikawa's head.

Hinata: Don't worry okay? I'll be back within 5 mins. Okay?

Oikawa nodded mentally starts to count. Hinata walked towards to back of the gym to meet with Suna and Aran.

Hinata: Hey so whats ups? You two seems nervous? Are you guys alright?

Aran: Please don't freak out but We really like you! More then a friend but as a crush.

They lookdd down waiting for a respond when they heard Hinata laughing.

Hinata: I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh but you were nervous to tell me that you like me?🤣😅

As soon as Hinata calm down he lifted their chins and kissed them.

Hinata : I like you guys too. Now come your match is about to start MY dears.

They blushed and quickly ran back towards the court, while Hinata ran bavk to Oikawa, who was at the verge of crying again when he didn't see Hinata. Oikawa made graby hands wanting to be placed back on his lap. With that they contiuned watching the match, ending with a 25:26. As Hinata went to the inrizaki teamcwith Oikawa on his back. Giving them their water bottles.

Hinata: You guys did well.

Atsumu: But we didn't win😔

Hinata: It's alright not to win, it gives you more of a reason to work harder to win😊. Right Prettykawa?

Oikawa only nodded, while the rest looked at him.

Osamu: Ohh yeah what happened to Oikawa?

Hinata: Nothing much, just a nightmare.

Hinata kissed Oikawa's lips and forehead. While placing his hand on Oikawa's head that was leding near his neck.

Hinata: Well lets go back to the dorms to rest? Date Teach has left gym already so lets go?

They nodded and left the gym.

Back in the dorm.....

While on the couch Hinatabwas reading his book while Oikawa was just reading with him leding on his chest ready to doze of.

Hinata: You want to go to sleep?

Oikawa shook his head not wanting Hinata to go. Despite Oikawa's answer he brought him into his room, changing Oikawa's shirt with his hoody.

Hinata: There don't worry I'll come back okay? If you have a nightmare just call me okay? You have your phone right?

Oikawa nodded, sleep getting into his system. As Hinata left the room he saw Suna in the corner of the hall taking pictures of him. Hinata quietlywalked towards him and hugged him. Suna gave a small gasp looking back to see Hinata.

Suna: O-Oh hey love.

Hinata: You got some good angels there dear. You got some good pics of me.

Aran: I told you he was going to catch you🤣.

Suna blushed seeing as he was caught by his own lover.Hinata only chuckled, giving them a kiss on the lips.

Hinata: Well do you want to help me make lunch?

They replied with a nod, going into the kitchen. Giving small peaks here and there while making lunch.

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