day 14 afternoon

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Hinata's target Kyotani

They were sitting in the middle of the living room. Watching the TV when Hinata's phone rang.

Hinata: Hmm babies. I have to go and answer this call okay? I'll be in the kitchen.

Akaashi: Your coming back later right?

Hinata: Maybe... I might have meeting.

Oikawa: But your going to cuddle with us still right?🥺

Hinata: Of course I will.

Picking up his phone Hinata left to the kitchen. As soon Hinata went to the kitchen, Ushijima, Tendo, Shirabu came into the room.

Tendo: Where did Shoyo go?

Osamu: He went to answer a call.

Tendo: Ohh. Okay.

Hinata's lovers stayed in the living room watching TV while waiting for Hinata.

In the kitchen...

Hinata answer his phone. It was one of his employees from the hotel.

Employee: I'm so sorry sir for this late night call.

Hinata: No no. It's alright. So what is it?

Employee: Ahh Well we were think you could choose one of the designs for the wall. There's only 4, and we were hoping to get your reply today.

Hinata: Ahh of course just let me choose one of the options then I'll text you my respond. Is that alright?

Employee: Yes sir! Thank you again.

Hinata: Hahah. No problem.

Looking at his messages he choose one out of the four options.

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Texting his employees his choice of the wall paper. Walking back into the living room only to see the rest of his lovers watching TV.

Goshiki: Hey babe! Where did you go?

Hinata: Oh I went to the kitchen to answer a call from one of my employees.

Aran: Boy or girl?

Hinata: Girl. She's one of the many prettiest employees in my hotel.

Suna: So what are we?😟

Hinata: My angels, lovers, soon to be wife. Some much more.

Kita: Oh thanks love. But can you not like get to flirty with your fangirls and female employees? It makes us insecure.

Hinata: Of course love. Why didn't you tell me before?

Aran: We don't want to seem like the jealous type.

Hinata: Babies... I love you just the way you are. Nothing can change my mind.

Since it was still in the afternoon Hinata and his lovers decided to play abot of volleyball in the gym. While walking into the gym the notice the Kyotani was playing alone, throwing the ball at a sticky note on the wall. Walking up to him Hinata taped his shoulder, after getting Kita to take the stick note off the wall so he could see what it is about cause there were some writing. Shocked Kyotani looked at Hinata and Backed away for abit. Before scarching the back of his neck.

Kita pov....

While Kyotani was distracted I went to the wall with the sticky note and took it without getting spotted. I decided the read what was on the paper while Kyotani was distracted with Hinata. My eyes went wide, it was his small little plan to confess his feelings for him. I looked at Oikawa, Iwazumi and Kunimi and mouthed " Distract Kyotani for a while I need to show this to Hinata." Nodding they interrupted their conversation.

3rd pov....

The conversation between Kyotani and Hinata was interrupted by Oikawa, Iwazumi and Kunimi. They dragged Kyotani to the other side of the gym away from the rest. Kita took out the note and gave it to Hinata. Hinata read the paper with wide eyes but smiled at the end. Hinata decided to call out to him.

Hinata: Kyotani-chan! Could I talk to you?

Kyotani: K- Kyotani-chan?... Oh ahh sure.

Walking out of the gym stopping near the exit door.

Hinata: You want to say anything?

Kyotani: Ahh Well there is 👉👈 but promise you wouldn't look at me differently.

Hinata: I promise

Kyotani: Ahh Well You see I really like you. Like a lot.

Hinata: Well I really would love to date you as well. Like really.

Kyotani: Really?!

Hinata: Yes puppy.

Kyotani: Hey! I'm not a dog!

Hinata: Well you sure are cute like one though.

Kyotani: Can we ma-make it official?

Hinata: Ohh how?😏🤨

Kyotani: Could I kiss you?😊

With a swift motion Hinata grab Kyotani by his hip. Kissing his lips softly but dominantly. Aparted lips with a string of spit connecting them.

Hinata: I love you puppy.

Kyotani: I love you too.

Going back into the gym. Hinata's lovers decided to play a game instead. They sat on the floor and played. Kyotani hugging Hinata close by with Aran and Suna on his lap. Kita stopped Oikawa, Bokuto, Akaashi, Miya twins from sitting down on his lap all the time not allowing the other lovers to get a chance. Suna was taking pictures with Hinata. Aran was having small lovey conversation with Hinata. Getting pecks here and there. They were really just playing a game of never have I ever.

Oikawa: Never have I ever looked at my lovers abs before.

Most of them put their finger down including Oikawa. Hinata who looked unsurprising like who would not look at his abs? They are so fricking hot!

Hinata: Alright. Never have I ever called any body weird.

Atsumu, Suna, Tendo, Goshiki, Shirabu, Osumu. Placed their finger down. They continued playing for abit until Hinata checked the time.

Hinata: Well we should go back now. I still have to make dinner.

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