day 2 of traing camp

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Hinata's target Kita

It was already 7am. Hinata got ready to go on his 20 miles run. Oikawa felt the bed moving, grabing Hinata's hand...

Oikawa: Stay here please😟☹🥺

Hinata: I'll come back by 8 okay? Don't worry.

Hinata patted Oikawa's head to get him to sleep.

Oikawa: Fine. But you have to cuddle with me later after practice🥺. Okay?

Hinata: Of course Prettykawa. Now contienue resting, you stayed up very late.

Oikawa only nodded as he go comfortable on Hinata's bed smelling his sweet honey like smell.

Hinata was careful not to wake the rest up. He got out succesfully and being his run. His run ended on 7.25, he went into his restroom got ready for breakfast. Getting Oikawa up as well, getting him bathed. He carried Oikawa to the chair and set him down. He got out the plates and bowls. He got the cereal, milk, eggs and bread ready. He started making france toasts placing them on the plates he set up. After finishing he sent to Oikawa and placed him onto his lap and started feeding him cereal while feeding himself. Oikawa who was loving the attention he was given by Hinata was interruped when Hinata forced a cough out. Oikawa tilted his head looking at Hinata.

Hinata: Oikawa...

Oikawa was nervous hopeing he did not do anything to to upset Hinata

Hinata: I never got to ask if you would be my boyfriend? So would you like to be mine with the rest of the boys? You don't mind sharing me do you?

Oikawa: Of course I don't mind sharing you at all I just hope to be yours. And of course I would love to be yours.

Hinata smilied softly and kissed Oikawa gentlely. Hinata contieuned to feed him and Oikawa. Slowly the others came down sightly pissed that Oikawa got to sit on Hinata's lap.

Hinata: Ahh Good morning my lovelys😊😁

Hinata said all so causoully as if he was married to them. They blushed and greeted him. Some of the coachs wanted to see how long their players can hold the plank position.

Coach Ukai: Okay gather around players. Me and the other coachs agreed to see how long you guys can hold the plank position.

Some complain not wanting you do it. Some thought if they could hold it long enough tbey would impress Hinata.

Everybpdy got onto the plank position.

Coachs : 3,2,1 and GO!

Everybody got into position and tried to to hold it. It has been 12 mins and the only players left srill in plank position were Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa,Iwazumi and Hinata. It has been now 17 mins and the last with players left were Bokuto, Iwazumi amd Hinata. Another 10 more mins amd they were down apccept Hinata. He lasted 45 mins befpre dropping. They were amazed, not even Bokuto and Kuroo could last that long.

They contieuned with their practice match with Oikawa's teammates asking where he went. He brushed it of saying he stayed with Hinata cause he had a nightmare in the middle of the night. They just looked at him sightly jeaslous that their team captain got to slept in the same room , on the same bed.

It was the afternoon already and evey body was getting dressed for lunch. Suddenly Kita called Hinata out.

Kita: Could we meet at the gym? Hinata?

Hinata: Oh of course Kita-san 😊.

Kita's heart was beating so fast, he face flustered at the thought that he going to get to tell him that he liked him a lot. He somewhat forgot Hinata was polymours.

At the gym....

Kita: Hinata👋 over here😊.

Hinata: Kita-san what is it? Do you need to tell me something?

Kita:*takes a deep breath* Hinata I like-  no I love you .

Kita blushed hard like a high school girl who just confessed her love for her crush but instead it's happing right now and male a version. Hinata took Kita's chin and kissed him. Shoocking Kita.

Kita: Wait but your with Oikawa.

Hinata: I'm polymours silly.

Kita: ohhh 😅😣

Hinata: and I would love to be yours as well but I hope your okay with sharing me with others. Do you want to watch a movie with me amd Oikawa later at night?

Kita: i would love too.!😊😁

Hinata: Hmmm... I should give you a nickname. Hmm what should it be? Baby fox? Darling? Sweetheart? Hmm what should it be?

Kita: I'm fine with sweetheart😊🤗🥰.

Hinata:Very well then My Sweetheart.😘

Hinata kissed Kita's lips pressing his lips with Kita's. Tongues swiring around each other both fighting for dominace, Hinata winning. Kita moan slightly into the kiss. Hinata pull their lips apart.

Hinata: Next time Okay Sweetheart?

Kits only nodded and lifted his arms up wanting to be carried, wanting to know how Oikawa felt when he was being carried. Amd oh boy did he understand why Oikawa fell asleep so fast, it's so comfortable. They got back and the teams looked a Hinata Carrying Kita in his arms. Hinata sat down next to Oikawa with Kita on his lap head on top of his shoulder. He shook Kita gently, feeding him like what he did to Oikawa in the morning. After lunch they played for abit more before ending seeing how most of the players were tried. Hinata carried both Kita and Oikawa in his arms, both enjoying the warmth that Hinata proveded.

In Hinatas' room.......

They slept for a bit and watch their movie. Hinata wanted to watch horror.Oikawa was gripping onto Hinata's arm while Kita placed his hean into the Hinata's cheast not wanting to contiuen. They ended the movie and went back to sleep with both Oikawa and Kita hugging Hinata for dear life. Hinata arms hugging his boyfriends close to him in his arms kissing the nightmares away. With that they slept peacefully both being able to rest peacefully not getting nightmares.

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