day 14 of training camp

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Hinata's target Kunimi.

It was in the afternoon as Hinata was in the little space room with his little space lovers with Tendo and Ushijima. They went into little space in the room, they forgot that Hinata was still in the room with them.

Akaashi: Daddy! Pway with me and Bokuto?🥺

Hinata: Of course baby. Let me just put Tendo down for his nap okay?

Picking up Tendo, Hinata cradle him to sleep. Putting him down on a soft mattress, wrapping him in the softest blanket he could buy for them. Oikawa and the twins were taking their nap, they were going to wake up soon anyway. Walking towards Akaashi and Bokuto Hinata sat down and played with them.

Bokuto: Dada! Dada! Look! I drew dada!

Akaashi: Shhhh. Bokuto-san Oikawa, Atsumu, Osumu and Tendo are sleeping.

Hinata: That's right. Let's keep our voices down okay?

Bokuto: Sorry Dada 😞.

Petting his head while smiling at Bokuto they continued playing. Ushijima and Shirabu came raning towards him with paper in their hands.

Shirabu: Look! Look! Papa! We drew you!

Ushijima: Do you like it? I drew with my right hand too! Daddy no like when I use left hand.

Hinata: I love it my babyboys. Ushijima, Love? Just draw with your left hand okay?

Ushijima: Daddy no mad?

Hinata: No I don't care if you use your left or right. Just be you.

Akaashi and Bokuto hugged Hinata tiredly. While Hinata was busy with Akaashi and Bokuto, Ushijima and Shirabu gathered all the pillows they could find. Placing them against the wall with a few blankets. Tagging Hinata's shirt to get his attention.

Shirabu: Cuddle?🥺

Hinata: Of course princess.

Ushijima: Quick! Here! Here!

Pointing at the pillows and blankets they place against the wall. Cuddling with Akaashi,Bokuto, Ushijima and Shirabu for a good 45 mins, Hinata heard snores coming from them. Placing them gently on a mattress with blankets, he walks out to get some thing from his room. Upon opening the door of his room, Hinata found Kunimi laying there sleeping peacefully. Kunimi woke up from the door opening. Looking at Hinata surprise he quickly sat up.

Kunimi: O-oh hey Hinata 👋. Sorry for resting on your bed😅

Hinata: Ohh it's okay. You good?

Kunimi: O-oh I'm good. Just had a nightmare.

Hinata: Ohh okay.

Suddenly Kunimi slipped.

Kunimi: Dada! W-wait I mean Hinata! Y-yeah Hinata.

Tilting his head he asked

Hinata: You go into little space too?

Kunimi: Yeah... Wait what do you mean by " you go into little space too?"

Hinata: Ohh about that the some of my lovers have that too. Come I'll bring you there. 😊

While walking to the room Kunimi slipped a confession towards Hinata without knowing that he was even speaking out loud. When he heard the words," I love you too". Kunimi sniped out of his thoughts. Looking at him.

Kunimi: Does this mean??

Hinata: Yes. Yes it does love. Why don't you go into little space first hmm? We are almost there.

Kunimi: Hmm are you sure?

Hinata: Yes I'm sure.

Slowly Kunimi slip.

Kunimi: Dada! Where we going?

Hinata : Hey there baby. We're going to a room so you can play with the rest of my loves.

They continued chatting walking into the room. Hinata saw that they were awake. Oikawa rushed towards Hinata, hugging him with slight tears along with Atsumu.

Oikawa: Daddy! Where you go?😰

Atsumu: We no find you.😰

Hinata: Aww. I'm sorry babies. I went to take something. I came back with a new love tho.

Osamu: Have new fwiend?

Hinata nodded delightfully.

Tendo: Papa! Pway?

Shirabu: I wanna pway with Papa!

Hinata: Okay, okay. We can play together okay?

Looking at Bokuto and Akaashi seeing them look blankly at their surroundings.

Hinata: Baby owls? Do you want to sleep some more?

Akaashi: No want. Stay with Daddy.

Hinata: I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart.

Bokuto: We watch movie?

Hinata: Hmm sure 👍.

Hinata got them gather with Akaashi, Bokuto, Kunimi, Oikawa and Atsumu close by with him. Atsumu and Oikawa not wanting to let go of him. Akaashi and Bokuto still feeling clingy. Tendo, Ushijima and Shirabu sat close by as well as they watch their movie until lunch.

During lunch Iwazumi ask Hinata where he has been.

Iwazumi: Where were you Love?

Hinata: Ohh I had a meeting in the morning. Then you know I try to spend time with my lovers.

Hinata: Ohh and talking about spending time with my lovers. Kita? Darling I want to to get ready for our date tomorrow night.

Kita: Ahh alright. Should I where the outfits we got?

Hinata: Sure. Anything your comfortable with. Ahh also Suna get ready for our date later tonight.

After lunch 7.30.....

Akaashi and Bokuto where clingy on too Hinata for the rest of the afternoon. Hinata carried Akaaahi on his back and Bokuto on his front. Sitting on the floor Akaashi and Bokuto sat on Hinata's lap. Causing some slight fights between The Miya twins and Oikawa. They were one of the clingy babies. Kunimi wake over to Hinata with his hoody on him. Making grabbing fingers towards Hinata. Gladly Hinata placed Kunimi in the middle of his lap. Between Akaaahi and Bokuto.

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