"Any idea of a name yet?" Killian asked. "I still think we should do Gillian." "Just so you two could match," Milah said. Killian went upstairs. Milah heard a commotion upstairs.
And that's how she died.
Killain-better known as Hook now gave his daughter to Pan. "She wouldn't be a good pirate anyway," he mumbled.
Hook didn't see his daughter again. Until Bae came. The lost boys came to find him. "We have something for you," Felix said. He handed the baby back. "I gave her to you so you could keep her!" Hook yelled. Felix got on the boat. "Too bad." There were scars all over the baby. "What did you do to her?" Hook asked. "I thought you didn't care," Felix said. "What.Did.You.Do.To.Her?" Hook repeated. Felix chuckled. "She was a great ball. Only dropped her in the fire a couple of times."
"What's her name?" Bae asked when the boats were out of sight. "I...never named her." Hook said. "Then.....what will her name be?" Bae asked. Hook shrugged, and gave the baby to him. "You name her." Bea thought for a moment. "Beatrice," he said. "But we can call her Bea for short." Hook chuckled. "I like it," he said.
A lot of stuff happened. I'm pretty sure you've all watched the part when Hook gives Bae to the lost boys. Okay. So let's stick with that. But...
"Take her." Hook said, carelessly throwing the baby at Bae. he just caught her. Bea started crying. "I want nothing to do with her." Hook said.

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanfictionWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...