Bea shut her eyes as the purple smoke swirled around her. She tried to reach out for her dads but she couldn't see him. Her clothes magically changed into a long evergreen dress,and a dark red pirate jacket. Her hair grew longer and formed into a braided bun. Bea felt someone hug her. She opened her eyes. It was Neal. "We're back." Snow said. "This is our new home, Bea." Neal said. Bea forced a smile. It was beautiful but- "I know what you're thinking." Neal said. "I'll miss him too-" "Please stop talking." Bea said, resting her head on his arm. "Just get ready to Regina's palace." Neal said.
"You're over packing a bit, aren't you?" Bea asked Hook, whipping a brown traveling cloak on. Hook looked at Bea who was messing up the knot. He sighed. "I'm not going to Regina's palace." he said,helping Bea with the knot. "Oh?" Bea said. "I'm returning to my life as a pirate." "If you're going,I'm coming too." Bea said. Hook sighed. "No,you're not. You are staying with the oth-" "Yo just found me, and now you're leaving me again?" Bea asked,hurt. Hook looked equally hurt. "I don't want you to become the person I am." "That's not it." Bea said. Hook took out a sword, and placed it in Bea's hand. "Keep this." he said. Bea sighed. She nodded. "Good bye father." Bea said.
An entire year had passed and Bea still felt empty. No Hook. No Henry. Too much was going on. Bea stared at her sword. Bea started crying. Green smoke filled the room. Bea didn't care. She was so miserable. She had nothing.....then the smoke hit.
Bea jolted up. She was cold. Where was she? Bea regonized it. The Storybrooke Harbor. She was back.

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanficWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...