For the past four weeks, Bea defeated everyone at fencing. Snow picked her up, and Gretel gave her dirty looks. Bea hadn't seen Hook nor Neal though. Where were they?
Bea sent her sixth letter that week. But Hook never responded. Bea sighed. She missed her dad. Neal was nice, but she never got to know Hook as much.
"Engarde!" Bea said. "Touche," Gretel said. Gretel beat Bea. "Pathetic..." Gretel sang, as she left. "Gretel knows nothing." someone said. Bea turned around, looking down. "Thanks. I learned from my dad. He's a pirate. But I beat him once." "Let's not brag, love." Bea looked up. "Father!" Bea cried, embracing him in the biggest hug she could give him. Big feelings of join filled up in her. "Bea...Bea, you're choking me." Hook managed to say. "Oh! Sorry.." Bea said, loosening up her hug. "Where have you been?" Bea asked. "I just got here." hook said. "Wow," Bea said. "Sorry I missed your birthday." "My birthday? Father, I can't remember anything about my life in the Enchanted Forest." " don't." Hook said. He looked deeply ashamed of something he did. " that you're here. Wanna get some ice cream?" Bea asked. "Ice cream?" Hook said. "What's that?" "You don't know what ice cream is?!" Bea said, startled. Hook shook his head. "It's four words. Heaven on a cone."
Any Given sundae was the best ice cream shop in all of Storybrooke. "Hello, Bea!" The shopkeeper Ingrid said. "What will it be today?" "Two strawberry chocolates please," Bea said. Ingrid gave them two cones. Bea paid. "how do I.." "Lick or bite." Bea said. Unsurely, Hook licked it. His eyes widened. "Bloody hell..." he whispered. "This is fantastic."
"Have you had pizza? Watched TV? Watched movies?" Bea was showering her father with questions. Hook just shook his head every time. Bea showed him all of it. "Wow, after this day, I regret leaving you for a second..." his voice drifted off. Bea's smile faded. "What? You left me? In the Enchanted Forest? Father, how could you?" Bea ran off. Her heart seemed to be shattered. Bea didn't know where she was running. She didn't care about her father yelling. She just ran.
Bea sat on the bench in the park. Snowflakes were on her red beret. Tears were frozen on her cheeks. "Bea?" Bea looked up. It was Hook. He was holding two cones of ice. "Heaven on a cone," he said, smiling. "Why did you leave me in the enchanted Forest?" Bea asked. Hook sighed. "What I was doing. I didn't want you to become the man I became." Bea frowned. "Oh?" she said. I guess he had a point. Would she forgive him?

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanfictionWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...