Bea touched the wood of the boat. "Brings back memories, doesn't it, love?" Hook asked. Bea squeezed her eyes shut and had a vision of Hook tossing a little baby to a boy. "Yeah, it does." Bea inhaled tears. She saw Hook was doing the same. "Life is regret," he said. "Regret," Bea repeated. "Funny perspective." "Aye," Hook said. "Now, your problem..." "I don't even know how I got it," Bea said. "Strange." "And I can barely control it."
"Here," Regina said, handing Bea a bag of Granny's food. Bea hadn't gotten off the bench, since she scorched her father. She needed a real bed. Real privacy. "Thanks..." Bea said. Her chest felt like a rock. A lonely, empty rock. "You know...I can teach you." Regina said. "Teach me what?" Bea mumbled. "How to control your magic." "It's dark magic. All it does is bad things." Bea said. "Some people can use dark magic for good," Regina said. "Like you." Bea thought about it. It would be useful. "Fine..." Bea said.
The next day, Bea went to Regina's house. She knocked on the door. "Bea!" Regina said. "You're late." "Father gave me a lecture about not scorching people," Bea said. Regina chuckled. "Dark magic is hard to control," Regina said. "I got that part," Bea said, looking at her hands. They were bubbling with magic. Regina was looking at them too. "that's a lot more serious than I thought." Regina said. Bea frowned. "Then will I ever be able to control it? Can I control it? Or will it consume my soul and stuff like that?" "It's complicated for an eleven-year-old like yourself but-" "I'm leaving," Bea said. "Coming here was a mistake. A big mistake."
That was regret.

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanficWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...