The Children Garbage Dump

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"A trigger to some dumb curse. And we'll all die."Bea said. "Because of Tamara too? How many times have I told you she was evil???" "I can name a few times."Neal said. "Look, I got to go with the grownups to discuss this. You stay here and...make yourself useful and make your bed."Neal closed the door. "What!?!?!" Bea yelled. Someone knocked on the door. Please be Henry, Please be Henry, Please be- "Not you again!" Bea started to close the door. But the hook stopped her. "Bea." Hook said, prying the door open.  "Get out. You'll never be ready." Bea whispered. Hook took out a weird bean. He threw it. A portal opened. "This is for your own good." he said. He pushed Bea. She fell through the portal. "Gah!"Bea landed in sand. Immedietly she knew where she was. "No. No. NO! Not Neverland!" she cried. "That god damn-" "Ah! Beatrice!" Bea's ears wished they were making jokes. But no. "Ah! Felix my old enemy." Bea said. "Nice burn marks."Felix said, sneering. Be a smacked him. "Nice scar. How nice of Peter to teach a baby how to use a knife." she said. Felix grabbed her. "Let go you sucker!" Bea screamed. "Still feisty I see." Felix said, dragging Bea to the lost boys hideout. "Is that you I think it is?" Peter asked, walking forward. "Oh, goodie. Peter Pan." Bea growled, as Felix tied her to a post. "What? Afraid you'll let the hero out of me?" Bea asked, grinning at Felix. "I hate you."He said. Bea stiffled a chuckle. "Back at you." she said. "Wow. You've acutally have grown." Peter said. Bea fumbled with the knots as they talked. "Yeah. I'm just surprised as you are." She said. This knot was so loose.  "And you've gotten more beautiful." Bea stopped fumbling. "Ew." she said. Peter laughed. "I'm only ten. You're like, four hundred!" "And technically, you're twenty four." Felix pointed out. "Good point." Bea said. The ropes came un-done. "I see Felix still can't tie a good knot." Bea said. Felix growled. "Well, might as well let you loose." Peter said. Bea smiled. "Enjoy Neverland!"Peter said.  Bea nodded. "I will."She said. "I very much will." 

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