Bea loved life in New York. It made her feel happy. "Bea!" Neal called from the apartment. Bea ran upstairs. "Hi papa!" Bea said. "Hey. Sweetie. I made lunch." Neal said. "Thanks papa." "Hello, we got a UPS package for you." A voice said. Neal paled. "Papa." Bea said. "Are you okay?" "Yeah sweetie. Just eat your lunch. I gotta get out of here. I'll be back soon." Neal said. Bea nodded, fearfully. What was going on?
Knock! Knock! Knock! Bea heard at the door. "Who's there?" Bea asked. "It's papa. Let me in." A voice said. That doesn't sound like papa Bea thought. Bea slowly opened the door. "Papa's here." Bea gasped. "No...get back. I don't need you. I won't let you hurt me." It was Hook. "You've grown so much." Hook said. "Get out of my house." Bea said, firmly. "I don't want to cause any harm." Hook said. "I just wanted to see your face." "You would've had a lot more chances if you hadn't left me." Bea said. "Papa told me the story." "Baelfire? You're calling Baelfire your father?" "Yes. I am. He was the one that raised me. I see all the reasons to call him papa. abandoned me every chance you had. I have no reason to call you 'father'" "Bea...." Bea snorted. "You acutally remembered my name. Huh. I'll give you that." Hook sighed. "You know I love you, right?" he asked. "Um. No. I don't." Bea said. "Come again when you're ready to be a good dad. For now. Get out of my house, before my real papa comes back." Hook looked like he was just punched in the guts. "I'll listen to you this time." he said. "But I am ready to be a good father." Hook left. Bea closed the door and locked it. "He'll never be ready." She muttered. "Never."
There was a knock on the door again. "Papa? Is it you?" "Yes, Bea it's me. We have guests. Let me in." Bea unlocked the door. She was happy to see her real papa's face. Neal walked in. "Oh. We really have guests." Bea said, as three people walked in. One was a boy that was just a year older then her. "Umm...hungry? I have a sandwich." "Bea, don't give away your lunch." Neal said. "Yes, papa." Bea said. Neal smiled. "Go show Henry your room." Bea cocked her head. "Okay?" she said. She turned to the boy. "I'm guessing you're Henry." She said. He nodded. "Okay. To my room." she said. The walked to Bea's room. "So. I'm Henry Mills." Henry said. "Beatrice Cassidy. But my friends call me Bea." Bea sighed. "My one friend called me Bea. Then something happened." Henry winced. Bea tugged her jean jacket. "This is all I have left of her." she said. "What was her name?" Henry asked. "Iris. She was smart, sneaky and brilliant. I honestly don't know if she's alive or not." Henry touched her shoulder. "You'll find out soon." he said. Henry walked away. Bea sighed. A few hours later,Neal ran into Bea's room. "Pack your bags Bea." he said. "What?" Bea asked. "Pack them. My papa is dying. We're going to a place called Storybrooke."

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanfictionWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...