Nothing left to do but cry

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Bea wiped her twentieth tear. Death is part of life. She thought. To herself. But murder isn't. Bea's tears didn't only hold sadness and grief. They held anger. Zelena was horrible. So, so horrible. "Bea."  Hook said. "It's time to go."  Bea nodded. They walked to the graveyard. When Bea saw the coffin, visions of everything that Bea and Neal did together came into her head. That made her cry even more. The funeral was just what Neal would want it......that's what I'll tell myself. Bea thought. 

Bea went to the docks of the North Shore. She had brought a hand knife in case Barnicle's crew came back. Bea scanned the docks. The only boat that looked like the Jolly roger was sailing away. "FATHER!" Bea yelled. A man on the boat turned around. Bea waved. The pirate had a hook for a hand. It was obviously Hook. Bea waited for the boat to turn around. But instead, Hook yelled. "FULL SPEED AHEAD MEN!"  Bea gasped. "FATHER!" She screamed. This time Hook didn't turn around. Bea inhaled. This was wrong. This was a dream. No. It wasn't. 

"I assume you're still going,"  Bea said, the next day. "Of course I'm not."  Hook said. "Why?  Because you know that you're my only choice now?"  Bea asked. "Bea that was a mis-" "A misunderstanding, really?"  Bea asked, stifling a chuckle. "How is that?"  "Because...because...ah.." "That is exactly what I thought," Bea said. "You can go. I really don't care. I'm going myself." "What?"  "I'm going back to New York,"  Bea said. "New York is where I can be myself. Where I can relax. Where I don't have to choose between family." "Bea, I won't let you go."  Bea sighed. "I didn't want to do this."  Bea waved her hand. A forcefield surrounded Hook. "Bea.." Hook said. "Goodbye father,"  Bea said, coldly. 

Bea walked all the way to the Leaving Storybrooke sign. "Such a shame,"  Zelena said, appearing. "Leave me alone,"  Bea said. "You know, you can do greater things," Zelena said. "You don't have to just scamper back to your perfect New York.  "Like you're going to stop me?"  Bea asked. Zelena smiled. "Actually, I am." A loud screech filled the air. "What are you doing?"  Bea asked. Zelena smiled. "My friend will take care of you." She reassured. Bea screamed, as the feel of talons hooked on her arms. Something sunk into her head. Everything went black. 

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