Bea tapped on her quill. How could she tell this to her father? Dear, Father was all she added. My birthday is in two weeks. Please come. It would be a great honor for you to join me. I am turning eleven. I know...that's how old papa was when you left me....but that's the past. Please. Come. Signed, Beatrice Cassidy/Jones. Bea shoved the letter in an envelope and had a bird send it away. She smiled. "Please come, father." She said. "Please."
Bea ran to the Blancher apartment. She needed answers. But it was chaos there too. Bea's heart felt like a rock. Where were her dads? Were they okay? Bea felt like she was hyperventilating. "Are you okay?" David asked. Bea slowly nodded. She knew she wasn't okay. She needed water. A sign that everything was okay. But she knew it wasn't
Bea smiled. Her father actually answered back! Joy filled her. Bea took off the wax seal. She took out the letter. The messy writing told Bea that Hook didn't bother getting a quill and he just used his hook. Bea's smile faded when she saw the note. My dearest daughter, I am so, so, sorry. I know about birthday will be tomorrow when you get this note. I can't come to the castle. If I see your face one more time...I feel like I will think about Millah...and leaving you in the first place. With love, Father. Bea's heart felt empty.
Bea got in a white fencer uniform. Snow signed her up for it. She thought it would get her mind off everything. Bea knew it wouldn't. "Alright fencers." The teacher, Ms. Bear said. "Find a partner." Bea paired up with someone. "Prepare to get kicked in the ass," The person said. "Try me, sister," Bea said. The two slashed and clashed. Bea was losing. Then she remembered what her father had taught her a long time ago.
Storybrooke before the journey to Neverland
"I really don't want to talk to you," Bea said. "It's just a quick sword lesson, Bea." Hook said. "Don't call me that." Bea snapped. Hook handed Bea a sword. "It's heavy," Bea complained. "You are just like your mother." Hook muttered. "At least she didn't dump me," Bea said. Hook looked hurt. "Sorry." Bea felt herself saying. "Anyway," Hook said, taking a position. "Like this." Bea copied. "Now, swing." Bea and Hook clashed. Hook was beating her. I won't let him beat me. Bea thought. She backflipped and disarmed Hook. "How did you-" "I did gymnastics in New York before your actions made me leave it."
Bea, remembering that moment, backflipped and tapped the person's back. "Beatrice wins!" Ms. Bear said. The person took off her mask. It was Gretel. "Good game." She said. Bea smiled. Then Gretel punched her in the stomach.

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanficWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...