(For the dagger. I tried people. I really tried.)
Bea couldn't stop thinking about Zelena. Her magic. She had magic. Bea picked up her quill.
Dear Father, the craziest thing has happened to me. I have magic. How is that even possible? Please come visit? Or tell me where you are. I need answers. From you. With love, Beatrice Cassidy/Jones.
Bea looked at her note. She sent it, hoping her father would answer back.
And he did.
My dearest Beatrice, I am by the north shores. I'll be waiting for you. Love, father
Bea's heart lept.
Bea stared at the Storybrooke harbor and the bench. "Where's the bed?" Bea asked. Hook pointed to the bench. "When I said I'd stay with you, I thought you meant the Jolly Roger." "I don't have that at the moment." Hook said. "Oh," Bea said. Bea took Hook's hand. "But hey! I'm with you." Hook smiled. Then, a look of pain filled his face. "Bea...let go.." he said. Worriedly, Bea let go of his hand. "Father?" Bea asked. Bea looked at his hand. It was scorched. "I forgot about that..." Hook murmured, "What is it, father?" Bea asked. "Bea..." Hook said. "You have dark magic."
Bea looked for The Jolly Roger. "'Ey! Princess!" A pirate said. "You shouldn't be around these parts. Wouldn't want to get robbed, would we?" Why does everyone think I'm a princess? Bea thought. "I....am not a princess," Bea said. "That dress of yours tells us otherwise." Another pirate said. Bea realized she was surrounded. "Actually.....I'm the daughter of Captain Hook. Owner of the Jolly Roger." "'Zat so?" the first pirate asked. "Yeah, it is. Now if you excuse me..." Bea started to walk off, but a pirate grabbed her by the hood of her cloak. "Give us yer loot first....princess." He smiled, showing his brown-stained teeth. Bea kicked his shin and ran. "STOP THE LASS MATES!" The pirate yelled. Bea ran faster.
Then of course she ran smack into the captain. Bea inhaled sharply, as his slimy hands grabbed her. "Well, well," he said. he reached for Bea's bag. "Hey! Barnicle!" A very familiar voice, that made Bea's heart leap called. "What is it, Hook." the captain said. He didn't let go of Bea. "What do you have there?" Hook asked. "Some princess," Barnicle said. "For the last time, I'm not a princess!" Bea said. "Saddup, you," Barnicle said. "You'll make fine ransom money." Bea struggled, but then remembered her magic. Bea pressed her hand on Barnicle's stomach. "What are you doing?" Barnicle asked. Bea concentrated. Magic, magic work...please... Bea begged in her mind. Bea heard sizzling. "ARRRRGH!" Barnicle yelled. He pushed Bea to the ground and ran away. "Ouch," Bea said. "Bea!" Hook said. He was smiling. They hugged, then Hook got serious. "Did those snakes harm you? I swear if they did-" "Father. Don't overreact, We have work to do." "Of course, I saw how you did that...that..what did you do to ol' Barnicle?" "I burned him," Bea said. "Interesting." Hook said.
"Dark magic?" Regina asked. "Yes, she scorched a captain's stomach and my hand." Hook said. Bea felt her insides gurgle. She had no idea what was going on. "Any signs of, black hair, pale skin, Dark one skin?" Bea shook her head, picturing her name on the dark one dagger. that wouldn't happen....right?

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanfictionWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...