Hi people! I'm finally writing about Iris and Bea's history!
Papa won't mind if I skip school...again Bea thought as she was listening to 2010 Greatest Hits. She wasn't paying attention and bumped into a girl. "Sorry!" Bea said. The girl looked like a mini Cruella Deville. She had black hair with a few white streaks, and a big white fluffy coat. "Didn't your mum tell you not to stare?" The girl asked. Bea frowned and stared at the ground. The girl got the message. "Oh. I'm sorry," she said. "It's fine. It happened when I was a baby." Bea said. "I just knew her name." "Sorry to hear that." the girl said. "All I have is my mother." "You mean Cruella Diville?" Bea joked. "How did-I mean, very funny," the girl said. Bea cocked her head. "Well...I'm Bea." Bea said. "Oh." The girl said. "I'm Iris." "That's a nice name," Bea said. "You skipping school too?" Iris asked. Bea nodded. Iris smiled. "Let's skip school together."
Bea walked out of the hospital. Hook was waiting outside. "What were you thinking?" he demanded. Bea ignored and continued walking. She tugged on her jean jacket. "Answer me." Hook said. "I'll pass," Bea said. Hook grabbed her wrist. "No," he said. "Why were you running away?" "I think you very much know that answer father," Bea said. "I'm not 100% sure I do." Hook said. "Henry told me about this Iris character. The one who-" "I don't want to talk about it." Bea said. "I'm going to go hang out with Henry."
"Bea?" Iris said. "Yeah?" Bea asked. "Can I trust you with the biggest secret I have?" "If you can trust me," Bea said. "You know that joke you made about Cruella Deville being my mother?" Bea nodded. "She is." Bea widened her eyes. "I know I sound crazy-" "No, no," Bea said. "I just thought I was the only one." "What? You're one too?" Iris asked. "Beatrice Jones, daughter of Captain Hook at your service," Bea said, doing a hand motion she knew her birth father would do. "Captain Hook? He's here?" Iris asked. Bea's smile faded. "No...he left me. I'm with Baelfire." "Baelfire? Really?" Iris asked, amused. Bea nodded. Iris chuckled. "Mother told me about the Dark One's son's disappearance." "He's here," Bea said. Iris grinned.
"Bea, if you're going to try and find Iris, and you want me to help you, I need to know the entire story," Henry said. Bea sighed. Granny walked over with two cups of cocoa. "Thanks, Granny," Bea said. "So," Henry continued. "What's the story?" "I was skipping school. She was too. We hung out. She told me her secrets. I told her mine. Then.....the next week. That's when it happened." Henry raised his eyebrows. "What happened?" "I made the biggest choice of my life."
"We need to make an item or something," Bea said. They were skipping more school and hanging out by a rocky river. "To show that we're permanent friends." Iris gave a sly smile. "Mother never liked me wearing this," She took off her coat to show a blue jean jacket. "Here." "I love it," Bea said. She took off her butterfly barrette. "You have this." She said. Iris slipped it in her hair. She gave another sly smile. "Our parents are villains, right?" She said. "Yeah, don't remind me," Bea said. "How about, we start the next generation," Iris said. "What were you thinking of?" Bea asked. "Murder, stealing, the usual villain stuff," Iris said. "What? No! We can't do that!" Bea cried. "Bea, our parents are villains! It's our destiny to do it!" Iris said. "It's time to make our stand!" Bea narrowed her eyes. "No. I won't let you do it." Iris laughed. "And how are you going to stop me?" Bea inhaled tears. She grabbed Iris. "Bea? What are you doing?" Iris asked. "Are you serious about this?" Bea asked. "OF COURSE I AM!" Iris yelled. Bea sighed. "Then I have to do this to you." Then. Bea pushed Iris into the rocky river. "BEA!" Iris yelled as she fell in. Bea looked at her body. It was limp. Bea saw her left eyes roll out of its socket. But Iris was still breathing. "'Till we meet again, friend," Bea said. Then, she walked away to go to school."
"That's the story," Bea said. "You killed Iris?" Henry asked. "We don't know if she's dead. She was going to cause murder and stuff if I didn't do anything." Bea said. "You have your rights," Henry said. "But you kinda don't at the same time." "I know," Bea said. "You don't have to help a murderer if you don-" "I'm still going to help you," Henry said. "That was your past." Bea smiled. "Thanks," she said. "So, you used to have a butterfly barrette?" Henry asked. Bea nodded. Bea reached into her pocket. "There is one part I forgot to tell you..."
Bea went back to the river. She was going to go burry Iris. At least she should have a funeral. Bea thought. When Bea made it to the spot...the body was gone. Bea knew that gave her three options. One. The body drifted down the river. Two. Someone else found the body. Three. Iris was alive. Bea scanned the river and saw a chip from the butterfly barrette. She picked it up and placed it in her pocket.
"So..." Henry said. "You have proof that Iris is both dead and alive." "But not entirely," Bea said. "Did you do anything back in the Enchanted Forest to get proof?" Henry asked. Bea had her memories of the Enchanted Forest back. But she shook her head. "Hey," Bea said, deciding to change the subject. "When's your uncle or aunt coming?" Henry shrugged. "Grandma's still in labor." "Okay," Bea said. Then, she remembered something in the Enchanted Forest. "Zelena wants that baby, you know." She said. "What?" Henry said. "I know where's she's casting the spell..." Bea said. "Then let's go!" Henry said, shouldering his backpack.

The Daughter of Captain Hook
FanficWhat if Hook had a daughter, which he left at birth? Bea is a smart,brave girl, that always wears her signiture jean jacket. She loves adventures and sword fights. She grew up, most of her life, forgetting about Hook. But when he comes to New York...