Welcome to Storybrooke

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"Your papa? The dark one? Rumplestilskin? Papa, those stories you told me gave me nightmares." "I know,I know. But please, Bea. We'll go back to New York straight after." Bea nodded. "Okay. I know how much this means to you." Neal smiled. "Thank you, Bea." he said. 

The boat was rocking back and forth. "I'm going to get sick." Bea said. "I thought you were born on a boat." Neal said. "A boat?" Emma asked. "I'm an adoptive daughter." Bea said. "Neal's the only person I've had as a parent." Bea gave Rumple the evil eye. "Since my mother was killed." Rumple turned red. Either from his blood soaking his outfit, or because he was the one that did it. "Who's your real dad?" Henry asked. "You guys would hurt me if I told you." Bea said. "Definitely." Rumple said. "Wait, he knows?" Emma asked. "Of course he knows." Bea said. "She's right. There will definitely been some broken bones for her if she tells." Rumple said. "Papa." Neal started. "It's Hook, okay?" Bea said. "Hook. Is my birth dad." Emma's eyes widened. Bea looked at the shore. It was a strange town. She cocked her head. "Wow." She whispered. The ship landed on a dock. "Henry, get Bea and yourself somewhere safe." Emma said. Henry nodded. "Come on." He said to Bea. Bea looked at Neal for guidance. He nodded. Bea nodded back. She followed Henry. "Where are we going?" Be asked. "Just follow me." Henry said. Bea nodded. The town was so...so...weird. Henry finally stopped at a diner. "'Granny's'" Bea read. "Come on!" Henry said. Bea started to run in, but there was a huge puff of purple smoke. When it cleared, she wasn't anywhere by the diner or Henry. Instead, it was an office. Two women were there. "Hello child." The older one said. "You look familiar." Bea said. "Of course I do.Your daddy used to work for me." she said. "I'm Cora. And this is my daughter Regina." Bea cocked her head. "I don't know what just happened." she said. "But I'm pretty sure you just did-" "Magic." Cora said. Bea's eyes widened. Core chuckled. "You're a very curious child." she said. "That's why I need you're help." "What can I do? I'm just a kid. You have magic." Cora smiled. "But you have such a pure heart." she said. "From the stories papa tole me, I shouldn't take that as a complement." Bea said. Regina smiled. "Smart girl I see." Cora said. "You see though, we need your heart." Bea touched her chest. "Don't worry, it's only temporary." Regina said. "We just need a pure heart to....get the dark one to give up easier." "He's dying." Bea said. "I don't want you to hurt him. He's...technically my grandpa." Bea walked out. I need to see my father Bea thought. My real father

A few days later, Neal came to the hotel with news. "He lived?" Bea asked Neal. Neal nodded. "Great." Bea said. She needed to get back to New York. "Bea?" Neal said. "Hm?" Bea asked. Neal sighed. "We're staying a little longer." Bea's eyes widened. "And Tamara is coming." "Tamara?" Tamara was Neal's finace. She always ignored Bea when she was over. And when she did notice Bea, it was 'Get me a Shirley Temple' or 'You smell like over cooked bacon'. "Why out of all the girls in New York he had to catch  Tamara." Bea muttered. Neal patted Bea's back. "You worry too much, Bea." he said. "Or I don't care when finaces say I smell like something I don't." "Maybe she's changed when we were gone." Neal said. 

"Bea. Put yourself to use and go get the grownups  some coffee." Bea looked at Neal and gave him an I hate you look, and walked off. Bea remembered that Tamara liked her coffee in an exact way. "Oh what the hell." Bea said. She walked to the balcony. She wasn't going to be Tamara's maid. Never. The next day, Bea woke up to screams. "Papa?" Bea screamed, shaking Neal awake. "Something's happening." 

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