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We rode for hours, the sun was getting lower in the sky and the air was getting colder. After another few hours Gandalf pulled over towards patches of tall grass.

"Let's camp here for the night," He told us, hopping off of his horse and leashing it onto a tree.

The rest of us did the same, dismounting and tying up the ponies to trees. I was content to go over and talk with Bofur but Thorin pulled me to the side before I got the chance.

"What's going on with you?" He asked me, searching my eyes.

"Nothing. What do you mean?"

"You have avoided me all day. Did something happen in your dream?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," I told him, afraid of what he would say when I told him about the dream.

"Y/n we have to talk about things," He sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I didn't respond to him and kept my eyes on my feet. He sighed again and turned around to walk away.

"I started in a room of darkness," I told him causing him to halt in his tracks and turn around.


"I started in a room of darkness and I was on fire. I kept calling for you but you couldn't hear me. Or maybe you could, I don't know. I couldn't see anything but your eyes. They would flash into view every once in a while. And then I was falling," I lowered my voice, still avoiding eye contact, "I fell on a mountain of gold, surrounded by more mountains of gold. It was all I could see, except your eyes. Then you started speaking but I couldn't understand you. You were muffled like you were under water. And then I woke up."

"So why do you avoid me? It was a just a dream amrâlime," He asked, lifting my chin up so I was looking at him.

"I was scared it meant something. Your eyes, in the dream, they weren't comforting. It was horrifying. I felt scared of you," I whispered.

He didn't respond, he only pulled me close to him and stroked my hair. I listened carefully to his heartbeat and felt mine slow as well.

"I promise," He said, pulling away and holding my hands in his, "I promise to never scare you like how you felt in your dream."

He kissed my forehead and held his hand out. I took it with a smile and we walked back to the group.

"Yay!" Kili said, watching us walk back, "Our parents are back together!"

"Parents?" I asked him, looking at Thorin. The dwarf only shrugged in response.

"Yeah. You are like the parents of the company. Y/n, you're the mom, Thorin is the dad, Balin is the grandfather, I am obviously the good looking kid, then everyone else is like our cousins, and Fili is the dog," Kili clarified for us.

"Hey! Why am I the dog?" Fili yelled at his brother.

"Cause you look like one." The younger brother laughed.

They starting tackling each other again and I let out a laugh. I had to hand it to the kid, he knew how to turn a stressful situation into one of peace. The group slowly fanned out, each dwarf finding a place to rest their heads. Thorin found us a spot and patted the grass next to him. I shook my head, telling him I wanted to be beside Bilbo tonight.

"Sweet Thing, are you still worked up about that dream?" Thorin asked me.

"No it's not that I promise. It's just, Bilbo is the only one who understands how I am feeling. We are both new at this whole travelling thing and it just feels easier to talk to him about this," I smiled and put my hands out, gesturing for him to get up and hold them.

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now