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I felt like I should smile at his decision but I couldn't help but feel frustrated with the path it took for him to get to it. I used his knees as leverage and pushed myself up, turning away from him and towards Balin and Dwalin who were doing most of the pep-talk to the company.

"Let's go," Thorin said gruffly, ignoring the looks from the other dwarves and grabbing his sword, "We get in, get the hobbit, and kill the dragon."

"I don't see why this couldn't have been the original plan," I mumbled to myself. 

Thankfully, my words went unnoticed by the dwarf lord.

"Y/n, stay to the back. If we lose you both, we will be out of burglars," He said, nodding at Dwalin who softly took my arm.

"Come on las. Best we just do what he says until we can have a moment to rest and talk about this," Dwalin whispered to me, taking me towards the back and handing me off to Bombur.

I didn't respond, hoping that by keeping my mouth shut I could get rid of the lump in my throat. Thorin led the charge into the mountain, holding his sword at the ready but keeping his footsteps light and quiet. He stopped abruptly, causing the rest of us to run into him. I pushed my way to the front, terrified he was looking at my dead brother. I shoved past him and was once again greeted by the vast room of gold. I looked up at him and noticed his gaze was fixated on the treasure. It reflected in his pupils and memories of my nightmare all those months ago came flooding back. 

"Oof!" Came a voice to the right of me.

"Bilbo! Oh, thank the skies!" He had run into Thorin, who was hardly phased.

"You're alive," He said, looking at Bilbo with surprise.

"Not for much longer!"

"Did you find the Arkenstone?" Thorin asked, pushing me behind him.

"The dragon's coming!"

"The Arkenstone!"

Bilbo looked at him, utterly shocked, before shaking his head and trying to push past him. Thorin stood in the way, causing Bilbo to back up a few paces.

There was an uncomfortable silence before Thorin spoke again, "Did you find it?"

"No. We have to get out," Bilbo told him, going to walk towards the exit again.

Thorin's sword shot out, blocking Bilbo's path again. He used it to push him back, finally bringing to blade's tip to Bilbo's chest. I felt frozen in my spot. I wanted to slap Thorin out of it but the shock and betrayal I was feeling left my feet glued to their spot and my mouth shut.

"Thorin. Thorin!" Bilbo pleaded to the dwarf.

It was like talking to a brick wall. Nothing was getting through to him and it wasn't until the grumbling dragon in front of use snarled that Thorin was broken from his trance. The dragon's stare was fixated on Thorin and he snarled again. The rest of the dwarves came running out from behind the wall that hid them, willing to do anything to defend their king. I was still frozen in place, trying to process what had just happened. 

"You will burn!" Smaug bellowed, gearing up to blow fire on us.

The dwarves quickly jumped down a staircase behind them, hoping to get out of the way before being burnt to a crisp.

"Y/n!" Thorin shouted, sprinting back up the stairs to grab my hand and pull me down with the rest of the company, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

The switch from hatred to concern shocked me and I almost rubbed my eyes to ensure I was looking at the same dwarf ready to sacrifice my brother a moment ago. Thorin ignored my confusion and pulled me up towards the front of the group. He pointed to a passage in the walls and gave me a push, forcing me to lead the group while he took up the rear. I could hear Smaug behind me but I didn't dare turn around for fear of stopping if I saw the dragon.

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now