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We followed Thorin up some more hills and across rocky landscapes before he finally stuck his sword in the ground and turned towards us.

"Everyone spread out and look for the door. The sun is getting lower, we need to find it now," He told us, his eyes darting around the landscape.

The group nodded and fanned out, this was the perfect opportunity to talk with him. I made my way over to where he was standing, holding his map. Looking around, it was quite beautiful. We were clearly at the side of the mountain and I could only imagine the beauty that lay within the mountain if the outside looked this nice. I approached him and place my hand on his back, looking over his arm at the map.

"Why aren't you looking for the door?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the paper.

I stumbled back a little offended which seemed to catch his attention. He shook himself off and turned around. 

"Y/n, I'm sorry that was rude of me. I'm just stressed. I didn't mean for you to be impacted by that," He placed his hand on my cheek and I gave him a soft smile.

"I understand my love. But you need to take a few breaths. We are all here for you and we want to help; being short with us only makes it harder to help you."

He sighed and looked down at our feet, dropping his hand from my cheek, and not responding to my comment. I tilted his chin up to look at me and smiled again.

"Just try a little harder okay? That is all."

He nodded and placed a kiss on the top of my head. He mumbled a thank you into my hair before looking back at me. 

"Now let's find that door hm?" I laughed, taking the map from his hand.

He stood behind me with his arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder, looking at the map as well.

"If the door is here, it won't be just under our noses," I whispered, looking at the map then at the landscape before us.

"Anything?" Thorin called the the other, moving away from me.

"Nothing," Dwalin called back, frustration dripping from his voice.

"If the map is true, the hidden door lies directly above us," Thorin spoke, his voice just above a whisper.

"Up here!" Came Bilbo's voice from around a corner.

We followed the sound and found Bilbo staring at a large statue. A set of stairs were built into the statue's scarf and made their way up the side of the mountain to a small platform.

"You have keen eyes, Master Baggins," Thorin said, a big smile on his face as he lay a hand on Bilbo's shoulder. 

"Everyone, up the statue!" Thorin called out to the rest of the dwarves who quickly made their way towards us. 

They stared in awe at the dwarvin statue. It must have been around 20 feet tall and could have taken months to finish. Thorin instructed the dwarves on how to climb the statue while I hung back behind the group with Bilbo.

"Are you nervous?" He whispered, leaning towards me.


"Do you think there'll be a dragon?"

I didn't respond. I couldn't. I hoped not but our conversation earlier did not settle any nerves.

"Alright, now you too. Bilbo you go behind Dori, y/n you follow Bilbo, and I'll take up the rear," Thorin told us, standing behind us with his arms around our shoulders and ushering us along.

I looked up at the statue again. It was quite high.

"Don't worry las. I'll be there to catch you if you fall," Thorin whispered.

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now