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The boat swayed in the water as Dori and Nori used the paddles to carefully guide us through the water. Thorin stood at the front of the boat, looking as regal as ever. I softly smiled and  carefully made my way towards him, pilling my jacket further around my neck.

"Hey," I said to him.

He turned his head and smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to me, "What's going on?"

"Just wanted to see how you were feeling. This is a big step and we are so close."

He leaned over to whisper in my ear, "I never thought we would make it."

I looked up at him, almost admitting I had thought the same but chose to keep my mouth shut. I leaned him and closed my eyes, letting the cool air redden my cheeks. 

"Thorin?" Balin called from behind us.

"I should go see what he wants," He whispered, kissing my head before carefully making his way to the back of the boat where Balin stood holding the map.

"Hey," Bilbo said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey stranger!"

"How are you? I feel like we haven't talked in ages."

"Yeah, I don't know why that is."

"I know why that is," He chuckled, "Thorin hasn't let you stray farther than an arms length away from him."

"Yeah. I guess he has been pretty protective. I think he's just worried."

"I get it," He smiled at me, pulling me closer to him and into a side hug.

We stood like that for a few minutes. My head was filled with wonder as the hills on the shore grew closer. 

"Do you really think there's really a dragon in that mountain?" I whispered, not bothering to look up at him.

"It's hard to say. For the sake of our lives, I hope not."

I didn't respond, instead opting to continue watching the nearing shore. I could see the landscape in front of me better. The ground was covered in small rocks and tufts of grass and looked as if no one had stepped foot on it in a hundred years. It was quite possible no one had. The boat shifted some as Bilbo moved to sit with Balin, and Thorin took the empty spot by my side.

"Glad to see you and Bilbo have remained close," He said, clearing his throat.

"He's my brother. There is nothing that could split us apart. What's wrong? Sad I'm not focusing all my attention on you? You aren't jealous are you?"

He let out a small chuckle and draped his arm around my shoulders, "If you haven't gotten fed up with me yet, I'm starting to suspect you never will."

"I've come close a few times," I smirked, entertaining him.

"Oh yeah?" He cocked his eyebrow and looked down at me, "When?"

"Let's see," I taped my finger on my chin as I pretended to think, "Well of course there was the first time we met, when you berated me for being a hobbit; then there was the time with the mountain trolls, when you berated me for being a hobbit; oh, and we can't forget the time after the goblin tunnels before we found Bilbo, when you berated me for being a hobbit."

"Right," He paused and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Sorry 'bout that amrâlimê."

"Don't sweat it. Like you said, you grew on me."

"What was the moment you knew?"


"The moment you knew you felt something for me. When was that?"

I paused, recapping some of our experiences thus far. Of course there was the way he looked when I first laid eyes on him, the genuine thank you he gave at the beginning of our journey, his protection over me during throughout the goblin tunnels, the incident with the fountain back in Rivendell. Then I smiled; I knew exactly what to tell him.

"Stargazing after the meeting with Elrond."

I looked up at him and watched the corners of his mouth twist up into a smile only for a moment before falling into a frown, "Do you think he is right?"

"About what?" I held onto the hand that still lay around my shoulders.

"About this quest, my father, me."

"Not at all my darling. Look how far you've come Thorin. Even though the world roots against you, look how far you've come."

He smiled down at me, "It's all thanks to you sweet thing."

"Whatever," I laughed, shoving his side, "You're becoming all mushy and sentimental. Who knew you had such a soft side Mr. King Under the Mountain."

He rolled his eyes and looked ahead, a smile appearing on his face again as we neared the shore. We could hear the bottom of the boat dragging in the pebbles below and Dwalin, Balin, and Thorin hopped off to pull us onto the level ground. One by one the group of us stepped off the boat and took in the sight before us. Hills higher than any I could imagine lay before a mountain so great I could only wonder how long it took to be turned into a suitable living area. 

Thorin sighed, looking ahead with a small tear in his eye. He turned around to face us, "Who's ready to go home?"

The dwarves erupted into cheers and Bilbo and I smiled at them. I couldn't imagine what this journey meant to them and we were so close. He took a few steps towards the final destination, pausing for only a moment before breaking into a run. The rest of the group followed closely behind him. Bilbo and I held up the rear; the dwarves' legs were just longer than ours and they could take longer steps. Thorin slowed his pace a few times, allowing us to catch up. However, he never once broke his stride. The day loomed on and I kept my eyes on the sun as it continued down its path where it would soon be hidden. I did not notice Bilbo in front of me, who had stopped, and ended up crashing into the back of him. I fell on my back and he gave me a small smile while helping me up. I brushed the dirt off my back and walked towards Thorin who had stopped on a clifftop that overlooked a city.

"What is this place?" Bilbo asked, perfectly replicating my thoughts.

"It was once the city of dale," Balin told us, moving to stand beside Thorin and not taking his eyes off the rubble before him.

"And now?" I asked quietly.

"Now it is ruin. The desolation of Samug."

We all went silent, staring at the broken city. My heart ached as I imagined how beautiful this town must have been before the dragon fire had destroyed it.

"The sun will soon reach midday; let's find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way!" Thorin interrupted us. He was clearly done reminiscing and was ready to continue with our quest.

"Wait, is this the overlook? Gandalf said to meet him here. On no account were we-" Bilbo spoke up from behind me.

Thorin took a few quick steps towards him and leaned over so they were at the same level. He spoke in a low tone, "Do you see him? We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We're on our own."

He turned around quickly, not making eye contact with anyone. Not even glancing at me.

"Come," He told us.

The dwarves followed with no hesitation but I stood back for a second and waited for Bilbo was was still looking out at the Dale.

"He scared me for a second there," Bilbo whispered.

I looked towards where Thorin had run off, "I think he's worried if we waste time we will miss the door. I wouldn't take it personally, but if you want, I can talk to him about it."

"Thanks," Bilbo smiled me, "Well we best be off huh? Wouldn't want your boyfriend to lose his temper again. Who knows what he would do."

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now