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"Does anyone have an idea about what time it is?" I asked, setting down beside the door and playing with a twig.

"I wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn," Bofur called.

I heard him sigh and scuffle around and I guessed he must have sat down. I twirled the twig around in my hand, feeling the smooth bark. It was hard to tell what type of wood it was but it look similar to the structure of this palace.

"We're never going to reach the mountain are we?" Ori asked.

His voice was filled with sadness. Ori was one of the youngest in our group and had never seen the mountain. The majority of the dwarves were not alive when the mountain was stolen by Smaug and this would have been their only chance. I look down at my lap, overcome with sorrow and grief that I had failed my duty as part of this company.

"Not stuck in here you're not!" I heard Bilbo's voice.

I jumped up and stood at the cage door. Thorin was quickly beside me with one hand on my back and the other on the bar of the door.

"Bilbo!" Balin called out in excitement.

The rest of the dwarves called his name too, our bodies filling up with relief as we grew back our hope. Bilbo smiled at me and unlocked the cage door. The group continued to cheer and Bilbo whipped his head around.

"Sh! There are guards nearby!"

The company quieted down and whispered words of gratitude as Bilbo unlocked their cell doors. We formed a large cluster in the middle of the "jail" and looked for the quickest exit. None of us were thinking fully about how we would leave, step number one was to get out of this room. Nori pointed to a staircase off to the right of the room and we all formed a line to follow him, with Thorin taking the back of the group.

"Not that way! Down here, follow me," Bilbo whispered, heading in the direction of a ramp that seemed to spiral downward.

The company didn't argue and put their faith in our rescuer. We followed the trail as it seemed to lead us further into the palace. I trusted Bilbo but had to admit this appeared to be the opposite way to go. Bilbo put his finger to his lips as we reached the bottom of the ramp. He pointed to a table of elves who had their heads down on the table and glasses of half-filled wine glasses beside their heads. We tiptoed passed the table and stood at the top of another landing.

"I don't believe it. We're in the cellars!" Kili whispered in frustration.

"You're supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur added on, looking accusingly at Bilbo.

"I know what I'm doing."

"Sh!" Bofur responded.

Bilbo rolled his eyes and stood beside everyone at the top of the landing. A few steps below us were 14 empty wine barrels. The elves must use these to for shipping. We looked to Bilbo for what to do next.

"Everyone, climb into the barrels," He told us, pointing at them.

"Are you mad? They'll find us!" Dwalin whispered, looking at the barrels then back at Bilbo, his face riddled with confusion.

"No, no. They won't! I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!"

No one else spoke but it was clear they agreed with Dwalin. I hated to admit it, but I agreed with him too. Hiding in the barrels and waiting the elves out? Obviously that wouldn't last. Bilbo looked at Thorin, searching for support.

"Do as he says!" Thorin told us quietly.

He squeezed my shoulders as a way to calm his nerves and show me that he was being nice to Bilbo. I almost laughed. I walked over to one of them on the bottom of the pile and backed in. Thankfully, due to my height, the barrel didn't feel too cramped. The other dwarves weren't so lucky and some were having a hard time getting adjusted. Bofur poked his head out from a barrel on the very end.

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now