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"Follow Balin," Thorin told us, ushering us towards the white haired dwarf, "He will explain your task."

With that, he turned around without saying anything more. I didn't bother trying to gain his attention. My own mind was too focused on the upcoming task at hand. I knew this moment would come; however, the moment seemed to come too soon. Bilbo grabbed my hand and we walked further town the tunnel and into the cave. 

"You want us to find a jewel?" Bilbo asked in a hushed voice.

Balin nodded, "A large, white jewel. Yes."

"That's it? Only, I imagine there's quite a few down there."

"There is only one Arkenstone. You'll know it when you see it."

"Cool. So find the white jewel amongst the mountains of gold? Shouldn't be too hard," I mumbled under my breath.

Balin sighed, "In truth, my dear hobbits, I do not know what you will find down there. You needn't go if you don't want to, there's no dishonor in turning back."

Bilbo shook his head, "No, Balin, we promised we would do this, and I think we must try."

"I quite agree," I added, giving Balin a small smile.

The dwarf looked at us fondly before giving a small chuckle, "It never ceases to amaze me."

"What's that?" Bilbo asked confused.

"The courage of Hobbits. Go now with as much luck as you can muster."

We nodded at the dwarf who gave us one last smile before turning around and heading towards the entrance of the cave. We looked at each other before taking a step further into the cave.

"Oh, and," He paused and waited for us to turn around, "If there is, in fact, a live dragon down there, don't waken it."

I gulped and Bilbo looked at Balin worriedly. We turned around again and stared into the depth of the cave.

"Oh, Balin," Bilbo started, turning around again. The dwarf had already left and Bilbo was only met with the dark tunnel behind us.

"And then there were two," I said, looking at my brother.

He took a shaky breath and held out his hand for me to take. I did without hesitation and we made our way towards the Arkenstone. The hallway we were in seemed to stretch out forever. The cave walls were dark and it was clear no one had gone down these halls in decades. I paused a few time and took notice of some of the drawings on the walls. The king with his throne, the king with his crown, the king with a sword. The dwarves sure believed in monarchism. After a few minutes of walking we finally reached a staircase.

"After you," Bilbo said, stretching his arm out.

"No, no I insist. You first," I copied his movements.

"No, you go first."

"Bilbo go."


"Bilbo, just go."

"Y/n, I swear to the Earth."

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes and took the first few steps down the stairs.

I paused for a moment, then took a few more steps. Then a few more. Bilbo wasn't far behind me but no matter how far I walked into the room, he stayed behind me, holding my arm with obvious nerves. 

"Hello?" Bilbo whisper-shouted, whipping his head around. He knocked on the wall and it echoed throughout the hall we were in. 

We both paused, waiting for anything to stir from the noise but nothing happened. Behind me, Bilbo nodded his head, "You're not at home. Not at home. Good. Good, good, good."

Into the Fire: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now