Chapter 4

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"Order up. Do you need some salt with that, ma'am?" she rounds up the tables while balancing a tray with twelve glasses of water on her head. It's a new challenge to deal with to distract her thoughts elsewhere. Especially since the Prince Darnell is sitting at his regular spot right at this moment.

She should've been used to his presence already, but Keely couldn't help but feel like she had just dug her own grave at embarrassment wasteland by being disrespectfully casual to the prince.

About a year ago~

"Hey, uh, miss, can I get some extra toppings for this?" he waved to the server girl who came up to him with a frown on her face.

"Sir, we do not serve more than what everyone is having."

"Okay.... Give me your most delicious dessert then. I'll get this restaurant with the publicity it'll deserve," he says while looking around the almost empty restaurant. There are a few more competitive places to eat around Vibe City, so this humble restaurant with a few dishes to offer can't attract a lot of people.

"Again, sir, if you wish to have our special cream fluff choco fountain dessert, you're going to half to pay more than you've already had since this isn't your typical buffet restaurant. We don't just give food here for free, every troll must be equally served. Now if you'll excuse me."

She didn't mind going all out that time since he seems to be about her age, and on top of that, he's being disrespectful to her family restaurant. Keely couldn't stand the nerve of that guy, but after seeing him again and again, striking up unwanted conversations to her, she finally cooled off and accepted him as just a kind regular customer.

'How did I not even recognize the frills,' that actually annoyed her to the core. She comes to his table and places a glass on his table. "Have you decided on your order yet?....-your majesty?"

Prince D frowned a bit, but returned to his senses with a cheeky smirk, "What's with the formalities? We're all equal here, no need to address me as that. The name's Darnell, or D. Ya know, it's weird that I've only just introduced myself after coming here for a long while now. But at least you don't need to use that title to me anymore."

Her mouth twitches to an uncomfortable smile, "I don't think we're close enough for me to actually call you that.... your majesty...."

His smirk turns back into a frown after a heavy sigh, "I knew it.... It's me, isn't it?" Darnell mutters the last one to himself.

'Huh?' she makes a confused look. He then takes the glass and dunks down all it's contents down his throat before giving her his order. Keely bows and returns to the kitchen, asking for her mother to take over her shift for the day.

'Oh man, this ain't gonna be easy,' Prince D says to himself as he stares at the kitchen door.

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