Chapter 7

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Prince Darnell heard everything. Flying himself up to the plaza where her mother suggested she might be, he found her singing to herself with a meaningful expressive sentences. With only those, she has basically told a part of her life story, and he couldn't help but listen in.

After she stops, Darnell walked towards her and looked beyond the whole Vibe City. That's when she notices him there. "Prince D! I-I didn't know you were here."

"Nice view, isn't it? Too bad not many trolls hang around here often."

"It is... What brings you here, your majesty?"

"Well, you weren't at the restaurant, so I ended up leaving so soon to have a bit of a stroll around. Say, you looked kind of bothered for a while now. Mind telling me what happened?"

Keely looked to the side, still ashamed of herself, "I'm not worthy of your time."

"Come on. I may be a prince, but I'm a troll. And a fine looking troll, on top of that."

She giggled, shaking her head, "No one will say otherwise, your majesty."

"Call me D. It's much more easier, and I can't stand being called prince for more than I have been."

Keely giggled again, "Sick of being royalty? I've never heard that before."

"I know, ridiculous, isn't it? Truth is, it's kinda lonely, having that title, being a prince and center of attention. I'm fixated on duties, and never got the chance to make real friends. And then I started going to your restaurant. I'm actually surprised you hadn't recognize me."

The girl chuckled nervously, inching herself away from him, "Yeah...sorry about that Pr-Darnell. I wasn't aware that you were the prince since I haven't personally seen you before."

"For real?"


Darnell looked up in wonder, "Huh, but I've been in all the parties that mom and dad organizes every occasion."

"I don't...go to parties."

He looks at her wide eyed, "You kidding?"

Keely shook her head, "Never been to it since troll school."

"Well, why haven't you?"

Her lips pursed, one foot at front rubbing the other, then she glances back to Darnell, "I.....I can't dance."

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