Chapter 24

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Keely collapsed on Darnell, and he gasps at the fresh air that has finally entered his lungs. Everyone was silent as they looked at everything that had turned into grey. The pop trolls all had the sense of de ja vu, remembering that time at Bergen Town, all they can ever feel was sadness and loss of oneself.

"Keely?" Darnell gently lifted her. Shock filled his features when he sees her silently letting all the tears flow down. She couldn't look at him. She feels so weak.

"....I.... I messed up..." she said through silent sobs.

Normally he would say that she did nothing wrong, but D chose to just act on it, knowing that it'll only make her feel more guilty of what she did if he talks. Instead, his arms (front legs?) wraps around her in a tight hug. His eyes travelled to her back, then to his hands, seeing that all their color had disappeared. Setting those thoughts aside for later, he continued to soothe her fur, "You're free now.... We all are...." All trolls, under none of the nations. No more seeking unity, no more strings.

Barb couldn't believe as she stared at the fading strings in pure horror until it disappeared on her palm. She turns to Poppy, who went to her friend who got turned into a zombie for her earlier. "What have you done?...... You destroyed music."

Keely turns around to look at the situation. Darnell lifts himself off the ground, then supports her back on her feet before joining Cooper and Peppy.

"Give it up everybody! Thanks to the Queen of Pop, we've all lost our music."

Almost all the trolls that aren't Hard Rocks in the dome looked at the Queen Barb as if she's just putting all the blame on someone else to not get picked on.

"History repeats itself. Pop has ruined everything."

Darnell is downhearted seeing his parents give up hope, so did Keely when she realized the weight of it all. Just as she is starting to truly enjoy music..... all of it faded away. Seeing D in this state made it all ten times worse. Looking around, it felt the same as only hearing music from afar, it was lonely. Survival in the world is easy as pie for them, just as the books you read. But depending on that alone will make you question yourself, and your purpose. Without purpose..... then.... what are they supposed to do?

As she trek deeper to the silence, Keely felt the vibration coming from the speakers, making her look up on a search for it. The sound continues, as if hearing a heart beat.

Darnell stands closer to Cooper, seeing the microphone as a medium to connect that slight tune to the speakers. With the heart beat felt by his feet, the prince couldn't help but match it with his own, by beatboxing.

The girl's mouth slowly hung open, with a smile forming to the corners of her lips.

'It's..... It's music...'

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