Chapter 14

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Keely watched from the far corner of the stage as she awaits the response from the team upstairs at the control room. Somehow, all engineering department were called in to survey the lands that Funk City reaches on Trolls Kingdom. Instead of joining the others to the search for the new prince's request to find his friends, she was assigned here as an order by someone she can guess as the one and only D, to notify the royals when they're found.

The girl taps her foot on the floor along the hypnotic beat and bass while sipping on bubblegum flavor juice. She didn't expect anyone to interrupt her loneliness until—

"Hey there!"

Keely looses her grip on the glass and it accidentally drops in front of her. She turns around and sees a familiar face, wearing a different kind of style, but she's too freaked out to care about it at the moment, "Darnell, don't you ever do that again! I almost had a heart attack."

He stands straight with ears dropped down to the side, making a shy laugh, "S-Sorry, I was used to doing that with my friends."

"Hey, Keely, I'm right here," says another troll behind her.

She quickly turns around in an added surprise, seeing none other than the usual Prince D she sees everyday. Her head goes back and forth between them, now only noticing the difference. "If you're D, then this is—" Keely gasps, staring at the other prince with disbelief. Before she could even bow to him, he already introduces himself.

"I'm Cooper, nice to meet you, Keely!" this twin is much more livelier than Darnell, with a smile that could reach the stars. "You're another troll that looks like me! Everyone here looks like me! You can't believe how hard it took me to travel all the way here. Got swallowed by bird, swallowed by mountain monster, almost got sizzled by fire plants, almost died in the desert—"

"Wait— Hold on, Prince Cooper, you're way too energetic for me to catch up on," she's already exhausted just by listening to him.

"I know, right? I guess living in Pop Troll Village influenced it, as well as his music," says Darnell.

"Woah.... You're from Pop Troll Village?!" Keely smiled excitedly. "I've only heard of other kinds of trolls in troll school, I wasn't expecting to meet one!"

"Well, you're in luck! Mom and Dad said they'd help me find my friends. They're pop trolls. One of them is Queen Poppy."

"Pop trolls..... wow.... So that's why we were assigned to..." the girl is too happy right now. Normally, only the King and Queen deals with stuff outside of Vibe City, never did she thought of having the privilege to talk to one. "So you sing pop songs?"

"Yup! Though the vibe here sounds so much more homey to me."

"The other trolls looks different, right? Smaller? I heard one is even living under water!"

"I wasn't entirely listening when the former king told the story. But I'm pretty sure there is one."

Prince D looked between the two, and they seem to get along well just fine. A little too well actually. His twin achieved what he had waited patiently for a year, her friendship. It made him somewhat..... jealous.

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